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Two days later they made fast to the quay at Llanelly, and half-an-hour later the skipper called the mate down to the cabin, and, handing him some money, told him to pay the cook off and ship another. The mate declined. "You obey orders," said the skipper fiercely, "else you an' me'll quarrel." "I've got a wife an' family," urged the mate. "Pooh!" said the skipper. "Rubbish!"

"She'll just have to have her own way till we get to Llanelly," said the indignant skipper, "and then I'll send her home by train and ship another cook. I knew she'd got a temper, but I didn't know it was like this. She's the last woman that sets foot on my ship that's all she's done for her sex." In happy ignorance of her impending doom Mrs.

One of the best authorities in the iron trade of last century, Mr. Alexander Raby of Llanelly, like many others, was at first entirely sceptical as to the value of Cort's invention; but he had no sooner witnessed the process than with manly candour he avowed his entire conversion to his views. We now return to the history of the chief author of this great branch of national industry.

"The past's the past and we aren't going to say no more about it, and now you've turned over a new leaf somehow I can't feel you're the same person don't go worrying yourself about that slut Jenny. She's all right. After your baby was born at her mother's, she went into service at Llanelly and there she met a miner who's at work on the new coal mine in Gower.

"I lived last with a Miss Dufferin, The Parsonage, Llanelly. I was with her two years." "And then you thought you would get more money by coming to London, I suppose? Well, it doesn't matter to me. I will give you L50 L60 whatever you want. You can come in at once?" "Yes, ma'am. To-day, if you like. My box is at Paddington." "Go and fetch it in a taxi, then. It's an easy place.

You have lived for two years with Miss Dufferin, The Parsonage, Llanelly, and Mrs. Vandemeyer can apply to her for a reference. "May I be permitted a word or two of advice? Stick as near to the truth as possible it minimizes the danger of 'slips. I suggest that you should represent yourself to be what you are, a former V.A.D., who has chosen domestic service as a profession.