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Robinson instantly arrived at the determination that the stranger was "stuck up," but was in no degree cast down thereby. "I heard Chet Timson tellin' that the' was a feller comin' f'm N'York to work in Dave Harum's bank. Guess you're him, ain't ye?" No answer this time: theory confirmed. "My name's Robinson," imparted that individual. "I run the prince'ple liv'ry to Homeville."

It's an apartment hotel this time, and I hangs around the entrance, inspectin' the bay trees out front for half an hour, before I can work up the nerve to make the Brodie break. Fin'lly I marches in bold and calls for Aunty herself. "Is she in, Cephas?" says I to the brunette Jamaican in the olive-green liv'ry who juggles the elevator.

Yours," he continued, with another nod at Hiram, "is a bill o' sale of all the furniture, dishes, liv'ry critters and stable outfit. Take it all and git what you can out of it." "This ain't no way to do skip out like this," objected Hiram. "Well, it's my way," replied Mr. Parrott, stubbornly, "and, seein' that you've got security and all there is, I don't believe you can stop me." Mr.

I had worked early and late at a liv'ry stable, like a nagur, to pay the passage money of my only brother to this country.

"Chawls," says he, handing me over a tenpun-note, "here's your wagis, and thank you for getting me out of the scrape with the bailiffs: when you are married, you shall be my valet out of liv'ry, and I'll treble your salary." His vallit! praps his butler! Yes, thought I, here's a chance a vallit to ten thousand a year.

Graham replied in the affirmative, at the same time asking if he could procure a horse and carriage there. Uncle Timothy never let an opportunity pass for turning a penny, and now nudging Mr. Graham with his elbow, he said, "Them liv'ry scamps'll charge you tew dollars, at the lowest calkerlation. I'm going right out, and will take you for six shillin'. What do you think?" Mr.

Thank Hivin, McKinley knows betther thin to sind th' likes iv thim abroad to shock our frinds be dumpin' their coffee into thimsilves fr'm a saucer. "Th' dure bell rings, an' a futman in liv'ry says: 'I'm Master Willie Dooselbery's man, an' he's come to be examined f'r th' army, says he.

Dopples' cautions, and Ralph paused a moment before he asked: "Where can I find him?" "Yo' membah dat big liv'ry stable on de Main Street as we come erlong?" "Where there were so many wagons and carriages around?" "Yaas, suh. Dat's him. De cap'n he own um all. Disher team 'longs ter de cap'n too. Dey some says Hi yo! If he ain' a comin' right now! Oh, cap'n! Say yo' wanter see him, suh?"

Perez knows as much about bringing up a boy as a hen does about the Ten Commandments, and 'Lizabeth made him promise not to lick the youngster and a whole lot more foolishness. School don't commence here till October, so we got him a job with Lem Mullett at the liv'ry stable. He's boardin' with Lem till school opens.