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After a brief silence, Hagar shook the tangle of unkempt, black hair away from her moonlike face, and began talking in a soft monotone, her voice now and then rising to a shrill singsong. "Mebbyso Tom, mebbyso Sharlie, mebbyso Sleeping Turtle all time come along," she announced. "Stop all time corral, talk yo' boys. Mebbyso heap likum drink yo' butter water. Bueno."

Me no sabe why him walk, walk in night me heap watchum." "You mean Baumberger? He's all right. He comes down here to catchum many fish trout, up in the Malad, you sabe. Heap friend Peaceful. You no likum?" "Kay bueno." Peppajee rested a forefinger upon Good Indian's arm. "Sun up there," he pointed high in the west. "Me go all same Hartley. Come stable Pete stable me walkum close no makum noise.

No drinkum whisky all same now." He flipped a braid back over his shoulder, buttered generously a hot biscuit, and reached for the honey. "No brave no more kay bueno. All time ketchum whisky, get drunk all same likum hog. Heap lazy. No hunt no more, no fight. Lay all time in sun, sleep. No sun come, lay all time in wikiup. Agent, him givum flour, givum meat, givum blanket, you thinkum bueno.

Peppajee grunted. "What for yo' no stoppum all same Peaceful?" Good Indian scorned a subterfuge, and spoke truly. "That girl, Evadna, no likum me. All time mad me. So I no stoppum ranch, no more." Peppajee grinned briefly and understandingly, and nodded his head. "Me heap sabe. Yo' all time heap like for catchum that girl, be yo' squaw. Bimeby that girl heap likum yo'. Me sabe."

When this was called to my attention I called one of the old men aside and asked him why he and his brothers followed Miles so eagerly. "Heap big chief!" was the reply. "Him lickum Injun chiefs. Him biggest White Chief. Heap likum." Which was really a very high tribute, as Indians are not given to extravagant praise.

You no call Good Indian, you call Grant. Grant bueno. Heap bueno all time. No drunk, no yell, no shoot, mebbyso" she hesitated, knowing well the possibilities of her foster son "mebbyso catchum dog me think no catchum. Grant all same my boy. All time me likum heap bueno."

He played the dog as a fisherman plays a trout. "That dog, him Viney dog. Viney heap likum. You no killum, Good Injun." The Indian, his arms folded in his blanket, stood upon the porch watching calmly the fun. "Viney all time heap mad, you killum," he added indifferently. "Sure it isn't old Hagar's?" "No b'long-um Hagar b'long-um Viney. Viney heap likum."

All time him think bad for yo'. All time him likum steal yo' ranch." Peaceful laughed indulgently. "You no sabe," he explained. "Him like my ranch. Him say, long time ago, pay much money for my ranch. Me no sell me like for keep all time. Baumberger good man. Him no steal my ranch. Me got one paper from government you sabe? one paper say ranch all time b'longum me all same.

Me hear talk. Stoppum no can see me hear much bad talk. All time me hear, heap likum for steal dis ranch. Me no sabe" his tone was doubtful for a space "all same, me hear stealum this ranch. Man, you callum " "Baumberger?" suggested Grant. "Him. All same Baumberga, him talk Man-that-coughs. All time say stealum ranch. Makum much bad talk, them mans.

"Long time ago, when yo' hair black," he began deliberately, with a sonorous lingering upon his vowels, "yo' all time my frien'. I yo' frien' all same. Yo' no likum otha white man. Yo' all time bueno. Yo' house all same my wikiup. Me come eat at yo' house, talk yo' all same brotha. Yo' boys all same my boys all time my frien'. Me speakum all time no lie, mebbyso."