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He had nothing but loathing for the pregnant girl who tries to break her 'fall' by taking advantage of the 'poor laws. For the workingman, who sincerely tries, at least, to settle the 'affairs of State' in the pot-house over a mug of ale, Spencer had nothing but contempt; but to the parliamentary people who settle the same 'affairs' over champagne and prostitutes, he played the lick-spittle.... The recantation of his 'Social Statics' is the worst case of intellectual cowardice on record.... He went down with final contempt for the workers who served him, gave him his daily bread, made his ink, pen, and paper and bound the twenty volumes of his philosophy of falsehood!

It may be an instinctive agreement with Plato's definition of the wise man, as ever wanting to be with him who is better than himself. But in its usual form it becomes an unspeakable degradation, inducing servility, and lick-spittle humility, and all the vices of the servile mind. There can never be true friendship without self-respect, and unless soul meets soul free from self-seeking.

Heed how I talk of that toad-hearted king's lick-spittle of a scarlet poltroon; the vilest wriggler in God's worm-hole below? At this blast, the wasp-waisted officer was blown backwards as from before the suddenly burst head of a steam-boiler. Staggering away, with a snapped spine, he muttered something about its being beneath his dignity to bandy further words with a low-lived rebel.

He vented a scornful sound that was like a hoot. "In furthering a lick-spittle yes. But not a MAN!" "Our ideas on some subjects are hopelessly apart." She suddenly realized that this whole conversation had been deliberately planned by him; that he had, indeed, been debating within himself their future life, and that he had decided that the time was ripe for a frank talk with her.

You have chosen to be a time-server and a lick-spittle, and I don't choose it! Do you think I've learned nothing in the time I've been here? Why, man, you used to be daring and clever and now you never draw a breath without wondering if these rich snobs will like the way you do it! And you want Alice to sell herself to them you want me to sell my career to them!" There was a long pause.

Not even towards God Almighty Himself will I play the part of lick-spittle and sycophant. I have fine enough stuff in me, let alone the energy begotten by the flagrance of His injustice, to take higher grounds with Him than that. I will break what men hold to be His laws, wherever and whenever I can I will make hay of His so-called natural and moral order, just as often as I get the chance.

"If your Honor has made up your mind to think that a sailor of the Royal Navy " "Cadman, none of that! No lick-spittle lies to me; those letters, that I may establish them! You shall have them back, if they are right. And I will pay you a half crown for the loan." "If I was to leave they letters in your hand, I could never hold head up in Burlington no more." "That is no concern of mine.

In other towns in Italy the people lie around quietly and wait for you to ask them a question or do some overt act that can be charged for but in Annunciation they have lost even that fragment of delicacy; they seize a lady's shawl from a chair and hand it to her and charge a penny; they open a carriage door, and charge for it shut it when you get out, and charge for it; they help you to take off a duster two cents; brush your clothes and make them worse than they were before two cents; smile upon you two cents; bow, with a lick-spittle smirk, hat in hand two cents; they volunteer all information, such as that the mules will arrive presently two cents warm day, sir two cents take you four hours to make the ascent two cents.

In other towns in Italy the people lie around quietly and wait for you to ask them a question or do some overt act that can be charged for but in Annunciation they have lost even that fragment of delicacy; they seize a lady's shawl from a chair and hand it to her and charge a penny; they open a carriage door, and charge for it shut it when you get out, and charge for it; they help you to take off a duster two cents; brush your clothes and make them worse than they were before two cents; smile upon you two cents; bow, with a lick-spittle smirk, hat in hand two cents; they volunteer all information, such as that the mules will arrive presently two cents warm day, sir two cents take you four hours to make the ascent two cents.

In other towns in Italy the people lie around quietly and wait for you to ask them a question or do some overt act that can be charged for but in Annunciation they have lost even that fragment of delicacy; they seize a lady's shawl from a chair and hand it to her and charge a penny; they open a carriage door, and charge for it shut it when you get out, and charge for it; they help you to take off a duster two cents; brush your clothes and make them worse than they were before two cents; smile upon you two cents; bow, with a lick-spittle smirk, hat in hand two cents; they volunteer all information, such as that the mules will arrive presently two cents warm day, sir two cents take you four hours to make the ascent two cents.