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Archibald, dear, shut up in the libr'ry, was howlin' blue murder, but nobody paid any attention to him. Then there was a knock on the door between us and the hall, and Father McGrath opened it. There they was, the two of 'em Mike and Maggie lookin' red and foolish but happy, don't talk! "'You see, sor, says the O'Shaughnessy man to me, ''twas the five-thousand-dollar prize that done it.

But they seem quite smiling now, and what lovely flowers on the dinner-table! There never used to be such pretty ones when I sawed them before. And the blinds are up, and the sun is coming in, and, oh! do come to the libr'ry and see what it's like now. There, look, True! those horrid blind heads are nearly all gone; and it's got a new carpet and pretty curtains and flowers.

'Twas me father's before me Michael Patrick O'Shaughnessy, of County Sligo. I'll have yez know WHAT'S THAT? "'Twas a scream from the libr'ry. Next thing I knew, Margaret, the nurse girl, was standin' in the hall, white as a Sunday shirt, and swingin' back and forth like a wild-carrot stalk in a gale. "'Mike! says she, kind of low and faint. 'Mary be good to us!

When Archibald, like the little imp he was, sets up a whoop and dives for them two, the priest grabs him by the rope of the blanket nighty and swings him into the libr'ry, and shuts the door on him. "'And now, says he, takin' Sim and me by the arms and leadin' us to the parlor, 'we'll just step in here and wait a bit. "We waited, maybe, ten minutes.

Sure it's a proud girl I am this day. Saints forgive me, I've forgot Archie! "And afore we could stop her she'd run into the hall and unfastened the libr'ry door. It took her some time to smooth down the young one's sensitive feelin's, and while she was gone, me and Simeon told the O'Shaughnessy man a little of what his girl had had to put up with along of Cousin Harriet and Archibald.

"So they left you and Sim Phinney to keep house, did they, Hiram?" observed Wingate. "They did. And, for a spell, we figgered on bein' free from too much style. "After they'd gone we loafed into the settin' room or libr'ry, or whatever you call it, and come to anchor in a couple of big lazy chairs. "'Now, says I, takin' off my coat, 'we can be comf'table. "But we couldn't.

They could just see themselves workin' on the log-cabin quilt for the next sale, and slingin' out little reminders like, 'Land sakes! What we're talkin' about reminds me of what Etta and me saw when we was in the Congressional Libr'ry. YOU remember that, Etta? And that would be Etta's hint to look cute and giggle and say, 'Well!