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They certainly vary in size, shape, and colour according to the flower each exclusively frequents; and those which haunt the cultivated bells of the leveloo present an amazing contrast to the far tinier and far less beautiful caree which have not yet abandoned the wildflowers for those of the garden.

This ill-timed pedantry, applying to Martial grammar the rules of that with which my boyhood had been painfully familiarised, provoked, amid all our trouble, Eveena's low silver-toned laugh. "I meant it," she answered. "My father will look at his pupil's writing with both eyes." "Well, you are out of reach even of the leveloo." She laughed again.

You did well to break the leveloo!... And so you think I must be tired of my bride, before the colours have gone round on the dial?" "Not tired of her. You will like a little longer to find her in the cushions when you are vexed or idle; but you don't want her where her ignorance wearies and her weakness hampers you."

Above two hundred varieties distinguished by ornithologists frequent only the domesticated flowers. The flight of this swarm of various beauty recalled the conversation of last night; and breaking off unobserved a long fine tendril of the leveloo, I said lightly "Flower-birds are not so well-trained as esvee, bambina."

Committing the carriage to the charge of an ambâ, I half led, half carried Eveena along the avenue, overhung with the grand conical bells gold, crimson, scarlet, green, white, or striped or variegated with some or all these colours of the glorious leveloo, the Martial convolvulus. Its light clinging stems and foliage hid the astyra's arched branches overhead, and formed a screen on either side.

But if I had blistered my feet, and the leveloo had been a nut-vine, the fruit was worth the scratches." "What do you know, my child, either of blisters or stripes?" "You will teach me No, you know I don't mean that! But you will take me with you sometimes till I learn better! If you are going to leave me at home in future " "My child, can you not trust me to take you for my own pleasure?"

Alone with you, I hope I should have done nay best, remembering the lesson of the leveloo, never to give you the pain of teaching a different one. But we shall no longer be alone; and you cannot hope to manage seven as you might manage one.

"Are you not angered now?" she asked, glancing up in utter surprise. My eyes, or the sight of the leveloo, answered her; and a sweet bright smile broke through her look of frightened, penitent submission, as she snatched the tendril and snapped it in my hand. "Cruel!" she said, with a pretty assumption of ill-usage, "to visit a first fault with the whip." "You are hard to please, bambina!

I shivered like a leveloo in the wind when he came into my room, but I heard nothing about Eveena. I told Eivé so next day you remember Eivé would have no part with us? 'And you were called the cleverest girl in your Nursery! she said; 'you have just tied your own hands and given your sandal into Eveena's.