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The island of Letti, which is about 10 miles in extent, had also suffered much from the want of rain, but was fast recovering its green appearance. A high ridge of hills extends along the centre of the island from east to west; the sides of which, sloping gradually towards the sea, are covered with trees, and the whole island presents an appearance of great fertility.

The anchorage off Letti, which we surveyed, is very good during the south-east monsoon, but affords no shelter when the wind blows in an opposite direction. There may be an anchorage on the south side of the island, which we did not visit, that would be available during the North-West monsoon.

After completing our survey at Letti we worked to the eastward, against the monsoon, keeping as close as possible under the lee of the Serwatty group, which enabled us to make a rough survey of the islands composing it.

At sunset we made sail for Letti, off which we anchored the next day, in 13 fathoms; half a mile north of the Missionary establishment; where we found a resident minister and his family, and two others from another part of the island staying with them.