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"MANDY jins of . Patsa mandy, te bitcha lav ki tu shan. Opray minno lav, mandy'l kek pukka til tute muks a mandi. Tute's di's see se welni poggado. Shom atrash tuti dad'l jal divio. Yov'l fordel sor. For miduvel's kom, muk lesti shoon choomani." In English: "I know of . Trust me, and send word where you are. On my word, I will not tell till you give me leave.

It is likely, too, that the gorgio reader may have seen a cross drawn at the entrance of a road, the long part or stem of it pointing down that particular road, and he may have thought nothing of it, or have supposed that some sauntering individual like himself had made the mark with his stick: not so, courteous gorgio; ley tiro solloholomus opre lesti, you may take your oath upon it that it was drawn by a Gypsy finger, for that mark is another of the Rommany trails; there is no mistake in this.

"He is deaf," screamed the little boy, who was now joined by his companion, and both in great excitement danced round the fine gentleman. "Give me a soldo," they yelled together. "Show me the house of the Padre Curato," answered the Prince, "then I will give you each a soldo. Lesti! Quick!" Whereupon both the boys began turning cart-wheels on their feet and hands with marvellous dexterity.

There are always two sides to a prediction. And yuv pookered, "Mandy chored it from a biksherro of a pigeon." Then he jalled a-men the pigeons an' penned, "Sarishan, pals?" And they putched lesti, "Where did tute lel akovo kauli rokamyas te byascros?" And yuv penned, "Mandy chored 'em from those wafri mushis the rookuses."