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'What occupation would be to me between crop and crop? It is better than scaring bears. But these people do not understand. He picked the masks from the floor, and looked in my face as simply as a child. 'By what road didst thou attain knowledge to make these devilries? I said, pointing. 'I cannot tell. I am but a Lepcha of Darjeeling, and yet the stuff 'Which thou hast stolen. 'Nay, surely.

At Kurziuk I was met by a most respectable Lepcha, who, as a sort of compliment, sent his son to escort us to the next village and spur of Pemiongchi, to reach which we crossed another gorge, of which the situation and features were quite similar to those of Kurziuk and Lingcham.

Being confined to dry soil, this pine is local in Sikkim, and the elevation it attains here is not above 3000 feet. In Bhotan, where there is more dry country, its range is about the same, and in the north-west Himalaya, from 2,500 to 7000 feet. The Lepcha never inhabits one spot for more than three successive years, after which an increased rent is demanded by the Rajah.

The ultimate branchlets are very slender and pendulous; my Lepcha boys used to make elegant chaplets of them, binding the withes with scarlet worsted. The trunk is quite erect, smooth, cylindrical, and pine-like; it harbours no moss, but air-plants, Orchids, and ferns, nestle on the limbs, and pendulous lichens, like our beard-moss, wave from the branches. In the evening I ascended to Doobdi.

The young shoots of several are eaten, and the seeds of one are made into a fermented drink, and into bread in times of scarcity; but it would take many pages to describe the numerous purposes to which the various species are put. Illusration LEPCHA WATER-CARRIER WITH A BAMBOO CHUNGI. Oaks at this elevation occur as solitary trees, of species different from those of Dorjiling.

The virulent redness of his shock head and beard was most startling; and in the thicket of hair wrinkled above high cheek bones shone two very merry blue eyes. He was indeed an outlander, but yet a Thibetan in language, habit, and attire. He spoke the Lepcha dialect with an indescribable softening of the gutturals. It was not so much a lisp as an accent. 'Whence comest thou? I asked.

At death, guns are fired, to announce to the gods the departure of the spirit; of these there are many, having one supreme head, and to them offerings and sacrifices are made. They do not believe in metempsychosis. The Limboo language is totally different from the Lepcha; with less of the z in it, and more labials and palatals, hence more pleasing.

'What occupation would be to me between crop and crop? It is better than scaring bears. But these people do not understand. He picked the masks from the floor, and looked in my face as simply as a child. 'By what road didst thou attain knowledge to make these devilries? I said, pointing. 'I cannot tell. I am but a Lepcha of Darjeeling, and yet the stuff 'Which thou hast stolen. 'Nay, surely.

Had that valley ever been filled with water during a glacial period, Mon Lepcha would have formed a promontory, and many floating bergs from Kinchin would have been stranded on its flank: but I nowhere observed these rocks to be of so fine a granite as I believe the upper rocks of Kinchin to be, and I consequently cannot advance even that far-fetched solution with much plausibility.

At this season the whole population are swilling, whether at home or travelling, and heaps of the red-brown husks are seen by the side of all the paths. Raklang pass Uses of nettles Edible plants Lepcha war Do-mani stone Neongong Teesta valley Pony, saddle, etc.