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Among Studholme's subordinate officers were lieutenants Peter Clinch, Samuel Denny Street, Ambrose Sharman and Constant Connor, all of the Royal Fencible Americans, and lieutenants Laughlan Maclane and Hugh Frazier of the Young Royal Highland Emigrants. Lieut. Clinch, according to family tradition, was born in Ireland and educated at Trinity College, Dublin.

A little distance northward we have the LAUGHLAN Islands, the reefs round which are engraved in the "Atlas of the Voyage of the 'Astrolabe'," in the same manner as in the encircled islands of the Caroline Archipelago, the reef is, in parts, a mile and a half from the shore, to which it does not appear to be attached; coloured blue.

Wilson and Barnes were on their way home from shearing out back in the great scrubs at Beenaway Shed. They had been rescued by Peter M`Laughlan from a wayside shanty where they had fallen, in spite of mutual oaths and past promises, sacred and profane, because they had got wringing wet in a storm on the track and caught colds, and had been tempted to take just one drink.

Someone had brought a canvas water-bag and hung it to the beam on the other side of the minister's table, with a pint-pot over the tap, and the drip, drip from the bag made the whole place seem cooler. I studied Peter M`Laughlan first. He was dressed in washed and mended tweed vest and trousers, and had on a long, lightcoloured coat of a material which we called "Chinese silk."