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Ludwig assented, and the child skipped, humming cheerily, down the tower stairs; and the whole day long the old castle echoed with her merry singing. And why should not Baroness Landsknechtsschild take observations with a telescope, as well as her neighbor at the Nameless Castle? She could very easily do so unnoticed.

The new owner of Fertöszeg, Baroness Katharina Landsknechtsschild, had been told that a strange creature was frightening the village children who bathed in the lake. She had given orders to some fishermen to catch the monster, which they had been fortunate enough to do while fishing for sturgeon.

There was no need to fear for so prudent and discreet a woman as the Baroness Katharina Landsknechtsschild. Her principles were very sound, and firmly grounded. She permitted no familiarities beyond a certain limit, but made no coy pretence of avoiding innocent amusements. Her affable treatment of the officers was easily explained.

"Baron Landsknechtsschild inherited this estate from his mother, who was a Markoczy. The baron sold the estate to his niece Katharina. You, Herr Surveyor, must have seen the baron, when the land was surveyed around the Nameless Castle for the mad count?" The surveyor, who was seated beside the doctor, was a clever man in his profession, but little given to conversation.

And then Marie said to herself: "He loves me. He loves me very much as the fakir loves his Brahma, as the Carthusian loves his sainted Virgin. That is how he loves me!" So far as Marie's safety from robbers was concerned, Count Vavel might now rest content. Satan Laczi's advice had been obeyed to the letter. But how about Baroness Landsknechtsschild? Danger still threatened her.

"It is no secret for me, and I am allowed to repeat it. The charming lady Count Vavel intends to wed is Katharina Landsknechtsschild!" The baroness suddenly dropped her embroidery, sprang to her feet, and surveyed the smiling emissary with her brows drawn into a frown. "It is quite true," continued Herr Bernat.

Themire bought the property, paying one hundred thousand guilders for it, on condition that she might also assume the baron's name; such transfers are possible, I believe, in Austria. In this wise Themire became the Baroness Katharina Landsknechtsschild, and, as she thoroughly understands the art of transformation, became a perfect German woman before she took possession of her purchase.

Vavel then drew the letter from his pocket, and read the address: "To our beautiful and kind-hearted neighbor." The count looked up in surprise. "You are writing to Baroness Landsknechtsschild!" he exclaimed, not without some confusion. "I did not know her name; that is why I addressed it so."

I have already forgotten it, reverend sir." "Katharina von Landsknechtsschild." The vice-palatine's pointed mustaches essayed to give utterance to the name. "Lantz-k-nek-hisz-sild that's asking a great deal from a body at one time!" he concluded, in disgust at his ill success. "And yet, it is a good old Hungarian family name. The last Diet recognized her ancestors as belonging to the nobility."

The puzzling question was answered by that angel from heaven, Baroness Landsknechtsschild. When she heard of the sufferings of the poor people who had been driven from their homes by the inundation, she offered to supply the entire sum necessary. Now, it seems, something besides the money is required for the undertaking.