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Supposing that one-half of these larvæ produced female beetles, a simple calculation will show that in six months a single ladybird became the ancestor of 75,000,000,000 of other ladybirds, each capable of destroying very many scale insects. Is it any wonder, then, that the fluted scales soon began to disappear?

They also found clover leaves, and I told them its name and sang to them the verse from 'The Bee, with 'The sweet-smelling clover, he, humming, hangs over. "Thursday. Brushed and dusted the room, gave fresh water to the flowers, and then went to gardening. The children were delighted to find ladybirds on the lettuces they were transplanting, and we also noticed how the cherries were ripening.

And in all these pictures he saw himself well-fed, serene, healthy, felt warm, even hot! Here, after eating a summer soup, cold as ice, he lay on his back on the burning sand close to a stream or in the garden under a lime-tree.... It is hot.... His little boy and girl are crawling about near him, digging in the sand or catching ladybirds in the grass.

Laevsky got in with Kirilin, the zoologist with Samoylenko, the deacon with the ladies, and the party set off. "You see what the Japanese monkeys are like," Von Koren began, rolling himself up in his cloak and shutting his eyes. "You heard she doesn't care to take an interest in beetles and ladybirds because the people are suffering. That's how all the Japanese monkeys look upon people like us.

I envy you." "Well, I don't envy you, and don't regret it," said Nadyezhda Fyodorovna. "I don't understand how any one can seriously interest himself in beetles and ladybirds while the people are suffering." Laevsky shared her opinion.

She contented herself with paying me compliments, for instead of bringing the crimson beetle into the store she opened the window and let him fly away. "Well, I'm glad I have learned something new about ladybirds," remarked Louise, as she tied her hat strings ready to go home. "And I too," chimed in Nancy. "I am glad the Australians prize the pretty little creatures.

Now enter," and he led the way into the house, opening the iron-studded oak door with a key from his pouch. Within was a shop where I saw precious things such as furs and gold ornaments lying about. "The crumbs to catch the birds, especially the ladybirds," he said with a sweep of his hand, then took me through the shop into a passage and thence to a room on the right.

On the same estate with us there is living a zoologist called Wagner and his family, and some Kisilyovs not the Kisilyovs, but others, not the real ones. Wagner catches ladybirds and spiders, and Kisilyov the father sketches, as he is an artist. We get up performances, tableaux-vivants, and picnics.

"Shake it off, Louise, let it light on me," said Nancy. "I want good luck to come to me too." "It is just the color of my new crimson dress," declared Polly. "Only your red dress hasn't spots on it," corrected Louise. "No, but the red is about the same shade as my dress. Oh, girls, wouldn't a row of ladybirds for buttons be pretty on my waist?"

But in Nadyezhda Fyodorovna's words he heard a note of falsity, and simply to contradict her he said: "The point is not the ladybirds, but the deductions made from them." It was late, eleven o'clock, when they began to get into the carriages to go home.