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A short distance from the lake were a great number of artificial mounds, three of which were especially noticeable from their size and height. These cone-shaped hills can be seen to this day, standing near the ruins of Sardis, not far from the lake of Gygaea. Prokesch saw l00 such tumuli.

Sleep, even if we wished it, would have been impossible in that stifling temperature. The lightning increased in brilliancy and appeared from all quarters of the horizon, each flash covering large arcs, varying from l00 deg. to 150 deg., leaving the atmosphere pervaded by one incessant phos- phorescent glow.

About l00 B.C. the use of cuneiform was given up; clay tablets were no longer used. Aramaic became the usual form of writing; ink used on sherds; wax tablets. Mounds of this period are perhaps most easily recognized by the quantities of deep-blue glazed sherds found lying about on them. The glaze is rather thin, laid on a coarse drab ware, and is often cracked.

But before I take you to that result, I must tell you about the atmosphere itself. I have written on this diagram the composition of one hundred parts of atmospheric air: Bulk. Weight. Oxygen, . . . . . 20 22.3 Nitrogen, . . . . 80 77.7 l00 100.0 It is a true analysis of the atmosphere, so far as regards the quantity of oxygen and the quantity of nitrogen present.

It consisted of 336 volumes, including l00 rare treatises, a whole series of Roger Bacon's works, and the celebrated autograph collection formerly belonging to Cranmer, and long mourned as lost.

Upon this, I took leave of him, and went aboard the same ship, after I had exchanged my goods for the commodities of that country. I carried with me wood of aloes, sandal, camphire, nutmegs, cloves, pepper, and ginger. We passed by several islands, and at last arrived at Bussorah, from whence I came to this city, with the value of l00,000 sequins.

Those who are not natives have also to pay l00 rupees for the first elephant killed, and 250 for each additional one, and 50 rupees for the first rhinoceros and 150 for each succeeding one.

Finley continued in that employment until the spring of 1775, when Congress called on the State of Virginia for two Complete Independent Volunteer Companies of Riflemen of l00 Men each, to assist Gen'l Washington in the Siege of Boston & to serve one year.