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A short absence animates a tender passion, 'et l'on ne recule que pour mieux sauter', especially in the summer months; so that I would advise you to begin your journey in May, and continue your absence from the dear object of your vows till after the dog-days, when love is said to be unwholesome.

* A lady, confined in one of the state prisons, made an offering, through the hands of a Deputy, of ten thousand livres; but the Convention observed, that this could not properly be deemed a gift for, as she was doubtless a suspicious person, all she had belonged of right to the republic: "Elle doit etre a moi, dit il, et la raison, "C'est que je m'appelle Lion "A cela l'on n'a rien a dire."

Les noeuds de quartz et les divers crystaux, que renferment les roches feuilletées, présentent le même phénomène, et l'on peut en tirer la même conséquence; ils font partagés dans les fentes, et entiers dans les séparations des couches."

"Et l'on nous persuadera difficilement que lorsque les hommes ont tant de peine

Il leur dit que ceux ci vouloient absolument que l'on mit l'Iroquois a la chaudiere, et que si on ne le faisoit, on devoit venir le leur enlever." La Potherie, II. 237 . By the "result prejudicial to his cares for their instruction" he seems to mean their possible transfer from French to English influences.

They may justly remove all, timidity, awkward bashfulness, low diffidence of one's self, and mean abject complaisance to every or anybody's opinion. La Bruyere says, very truly, 'on ne vaut dans ce monde, que ce que l'on veut valoir'. It is a right principle to proceed upon in the world, taking care only to guard against the appearances and outward symptoms of vanity.

"Après tout ceci, l'on conviendra j'espère, que nôtre grais est une pierre bien singulière, et surpassant,

LA sante de l'ame n'est pas plus assuree que celle du corps; et quoique l'on paraisse eloigne des passions, on n'est pas moins en danger de s'y laisser emporter que de tomber malade quand on se porte bien.* LA ROCHEFOUCAULD.

If there was here and there an elder peasant or his wife who sneered at the pomp of the upstart family, and remembered the days of the long-descended Ravenswoods, even they, attracted by the plentiful cheer which the castle that day afforded to rich and poor, held their way thither, and acknowledged, notwithstanding their prejudices, the influence of l'Amphitrion ou l'on dine.

"Right one o'clock?" "One o'clock." When Durnovo had gone Guy sat down and wrote to Lady Cantourne accepting her invitation to spend a few days at Cantourne Place, on the Solent. He explained that his visit would be in the nature of a farewell, as he was about to leave for Africa for a little big-game hunting. Quand on n'a pas ce que l'on aime, il faut aimer ce que l'on a.