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"What will you be when you are a man?" said the little lady, sharply, for her black eyes were quick though her red lips were smiling. "Will you work for the Königliche Porcellan-Manufactur, like my great dead Kandler?" "I have never thought," said August, stammering; "at least that is I do wish I do hope to be a painter, as was Master Augustin Hirschvogel at Nürnberg."

It is of course intensely interesting and new to me, who have never been closer to such a thing as war than history lessons at school, but what do they all think they're going to get, what do they all think it's really for, these poor creatures bellowing and strutting, and waving their hats and handkerchiefs, and even their babies, high over their heads whenever a konigliche Hoheit dashes past in a motor, which happens every five minutes because there are such a lot of them.

"What will you be when you are a man?" said the little lady, sharply, for her black eyes were quick though her red lips were smiling. "Will you work for the Konigliche Porcellan-Manufactur, like my great dead Kandler?" "I have never thought," said August, stammering; "at least that is I do wish I do hope to be a painter, as was Master Augustin Hirschvogel at Nürnberg."

The press department of the Foreign Office in Vienna duly presented the application to the press bureau of the Ministry of War; the latter conveyed it to the "Kaiserliche und Konigliche Armee-Oberkommando Kriegs-Presse-Quartier," a day's railroad journey nearer the front; the commandant made his recommendation to the chief of the General Staff.

"What will you be when you are a man?" said the little lady, sharply, for her black eyes were quick though her red lips were smiling. "Will you work for the Konigliche Porcellan-Manufactur, like my great dead Kandler?" "I have never thought," said August, stammering; "at least that is I do wish I do hope to be a painter, as was Master Augustin Hirschvogel at Nurnberg."