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Ancient philosophy had seen that man is the master of material things; but Christianity introduced a new sense of duty in regard to the manner of using them.... Christian teachers were forced to protest against any employment of wealth that disregarded the glory of God and the good of man. It was the opinion of Knies that the peculiarly Christian virtues were of profound economic value.

Other forms of retinal injury from too great or too prolonged exposure to light are "moon-blindness," due to sleeping with the eyes exposed to bright moonlight, and that due to lightning a case, e.g., being reported by Knies. Silex also reports such a case and reviews the reported cases, 25 in number, in ten of which cataract ensued.

With Aquinas it was entirely objective; something outside the will of the individual purchaser or seller; something attached to the thing itself, existing whether he liked it or not, and that he ought to recognise. Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy, following the authority of Knies, expresses the same opinion: 'Perhaps the contrast between mediæval and modern ideas of value is best expressed by saying that with us value is usually something subjective, consisting of the mental determination of buyer and seller, while to the schoolmen it was in a sense objective, something intrinsically bound up with the commodity itself. Dr.