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In the kitchenware one could don black sateen sleevelets to protect one's clean white waist without breaking the department's tenets of fashion. You could even pin a handkerchief across the front of your waist, if your job was that of dusting the granite ware.

"Chops taste good, Hosey?" "Grand. But you oughtn't to be cooking around like this. We'll eat out to-morrow night somewhere, and go to a show." "You're enjoying it, aren't you, Hosey, h'm?" "It's the life, mother! It's the life!" His ruddy colour began to fade. He took to haunting department-store kitchenware sections.

Incidentally it might be stated that she loved the cheap and florid music of the hand organ itself. It was rumored that Brandeis' Bazaar was for sale. In the spring Gerretson's offered Fanny the position of buyer and head of the china, glassware, and kitchenware sections.

But Dad chased me out on the road selling kitchenware, and here I'm settled down settled for LIFE not a chance! Oh, who the devil started this funeral talk? How 'bout 'nother lil drink? 'And a-noth-er drink wouldn' do 's 'ny harmmmmmmm." "Yea. Cut the sob-stuff," said W. A. Rogers genially. "You boys know I'm the village songster?

On the lines hung first an array of baby clothes, all diminutive size, marked, “For little Charlie.” Such are the traditions. Also hung seven kitchen pans, a pail, an egg-beater and gem pans; a percolator, a double boiler and goodness knows what not. On the table stood six cake tins, more pots and pans, salt and pepper shakers, enough of kitchenware to start off two brides.

Hello, Central! Hello!..." The Cabot oration broke off in the middle and was succeeded by a series of rattles and thumps and jingles like a barrel of kitchenware falling downstairs; this was followed by a startling stillness, which was, in turn, broken by an aggrieved voice wailing: "Say, Central, why can't I get that twenty-seven ring fourteen Bayport?

It was a question with half a dozen answers; and they all said, Go. Just outside the door was a box with a hinged lid. It contained kitchenware and supplies. There was the coffee-pot and coffee. Then, as soon as supper was over, she would retire from the scene and consider what was best to do. She would sit down and try her courage in the dark.

We'll eat out to-morrow night somewhere, and go to a show." "You're enjoying it, aren't you, Hosey, h'm?" "It's the life, mother! It's the life!" His ruddy colour began to fade. He took to haunting department store kitchenware sections. He would come home with a new kind of cream whipper, or a patent device for the bathroom. He would tinker happily with this, driving a nail, adjusting a screw.

He goes round to the houses where he likes the folks, and helps them in their housekeeping, now in one thing, now in another. Cleaning everything is his darling employment. He can't bear dust; dirty sooty pots and other kitchenware are his aversion; and he will often scrub at 'em with all his might.

Now and then she stopped by one of the tables and clung to it, as though for support, only to perk her head with a sudden little motion of determination, to turn, and then with a laugh go on with her work. Presently he heard her singing above the clatter of kitchenware and the scuffling of the men with their heavy, hobnailed shoes.