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We went to meet the carriages from the station; at last they arrived, with Mr. Owen half asleep amidst the kitbags. It was far into the night when we arrived at our hospital burdened with our two bags and the copper tray. The night nurse, a kitten, and a round woolly puppy welcomed us. Hospital work again. How strange we felt.

With old Blumenfeld was his faithful valet who looked especially after two battered old leather kitbags, a fact which, I noticed, did not escape Rudolph's watchful eye.

We were told that she was part of the Blue Funnel Line that normally operated in the far-eastern waters carrying passengers and freight. In single file, wearing our webbing and with our kitbags slung over our shoulders we slowly mounted the gangplank.

Suddenly, as the train stopped, that platform of a Paris railway station was turned into a thoroughly English scene. A wave from Great Britain swept over it, a tall and tweedy wave, bearing with it golf clubs and kitbags and every kind of English flotsam and jetsam. One can't help admiring as well as wondering at that sort of ineradicable, persistent Britishness, can one?

I accordingly left Bennett going out by the Chilcoot and Dyea and took $150,000 in gold and bills. I reached Victoria in due course and handed over the money." That is all, but in fact it was a very dangerous journey. He had the stuff in police kitbags, but those were the days of "Soapy Smith's" gang of ruffians.

Then the battalion broke ranks and flinging rifles and kitbags to the ground, they rushed across the tracks, eager to bring their tribute of pride and love to their brothers from their own country, far across the sea. "Malcolm! Hello, Malcolm!" cried a voice from a window of the train, as the noise had somewhat subsided.