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When the lever was supped the second time both teams fell face downward. But now Troy's greater bulk told to her advantage, and she carried the white cord six inches to her side. The Kingstons lay with their knees bent. Now Sawed-Off tried a preconcerted trick signal. With ominous tone he cried: "Now, boys all together heave!"

Kingston's partner," and the Kingstons themselves had the sort of sense that he was too much for them which makes a spider dislike to have a bluebottle in his web. She was interested, too, rather sadly in the crusade without the cross that the two young men were trying to undertake against the wretchedness of those potters.

There it halted tantalizingly, rolled around the edge of the basket, trembled as if hesitating whether to give victory to the Palatines or the Kingstons. After what seemed an age of this dallying, it slowly dropped To the floor. A deep, deep sigh came from the lips of all, even the Palatines. And down into the hearts of the Twins there went a solemn pain.

But this time she was moved to speak by an impulse she could not control. She knew the Kingstons, and had always thought well of them. Mrs. Kingston seemed to her in many respects a model woman, who deserved well of everybody; and that her husband, who was so well-to-do, should take any advantage of these worthy people who had so little, touched her to the quick.