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And as to the rest, you know a young man is always welcome every where, a young nobleman kindly welcome I won't say such a young man, and such a young nobleman, for that might put you to your bows or your blushes but nobilitas by itself, nobility is virtue enough in all parties, in all families, where there are girls, and of course balls, as there are always at Killpatricks-town.

Good-hearted beings!" added Lady Dashfort, marking a cloud gathering on Lord Colambre's countenance. "I laugh at them, because I love them. I could not love any thing I might not laugh at your lordship excepted. So you'll come that's settled." And so it was settled. Our hero went to Killpatricks-town.

Count O'Halloran was too polite to deny his acquaintance with a lady who challenged it by thus naming him; but he had not the slightest recollection of her, though it seems he had met her on the stairs when he visited Lady Dashfort at Killpatricks-town.

"Bless you! don't let that be a stumbling-block in the way of your tender conscience. I am going to Killpatricks-town, where you'll be as welcome as light. You know them, they know you; at least you shall have a proper letter of invitation from my Lord and my Lady Killpatrick, and all that.

Lord Colambre would not have let her, if he could have helped it. "Count O'Halloran, your most obedient! I had the honour of meeting you at Killpatricks-town," said Mrs. Petito, backing to the door, and twitching her shawl. She stumbled, nearly fell down, over the large dog caught by the door, and recovered herself Hannibal rose and shook his ears. "Poor fellow! you are of my acquaintance, too."