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"Well, well, what is it?" he demanded, impatiently, and yet with a touch of kindly tolerance. "You needn't be afraid of me even if you did leave me in hop-and-jump style, Miss Kilgour." "Where is your nephew, Richard?" And then, in spite of his assuring statement, Miss Kilgour was afraid of him.

The explanation was satisfactory, and on the 2nd of October, Bishop Kilgour, the Scottish Primus, wrote: "Dr.

"Mistress Kilgour, you may close my account with you. I shall employ you no more." "Pay me the sixteen pounds odd you owe me, and then I will shut my books forever against Braelands. Accounts are not closed till outstanding money is paid in." "I shall send the money."

Kilgour, I have simply got to make you understand what I have done for you before you'll wake up and do something for me." "I appreciate what you did, Dicky. Honestly, I do. You save me from losing money on my stocks." "Where are those stocks?" She did not look at him. "I have them put away all safe. They are all right. Just as soon as business is better I will get your money for you, Dicky.

The nephew had been attempting by all the methods known to the appealing male to win only one return glance from Kate Kilgour; but the young lady held her eyes on her note-book, poised her pencil above the page, and waited for more of that conversation and statement of which she had been the silent recorder. "You think you have given us all the main points of what you overheard, do you, Mr.

Sophy was dearer to her than she thought, and when she had talked over her wrongs with Janet, her indignation knew no bounds. It showed itself first of all to the author of these wrongs. Madame came early to her shop on Monday morning, and presuming on her last confidential talk with Miss Kilgour, began the conversation on that basis.

Following her, the young man noted her house-dress, beribboned over-much, her rouged face, her bleached hair, and wondered how such a woman could have beguiled Andrew Kilgour, as he felt he knew that sacrificing hero from what Citizen Drew had said. "Say, that's the plug-ugly who insulted us in the woods.

Go and talk with mamma, if you like." She escaped the clutch he made and hurried out and to the elevator. Flushed and angry, Dodd made his way to an inner room where Mrs. Kilgour was reading a novel, sunning herself with feline indolence. She put the book by with evident regret. "Oh, Kate, has so much poise!" she lamented, breaking in on the young man's complaints. "She is so like her father.

Wotton, the gentleman in charge of the Aboriginal station at Mount Rouse, stating that a rumour had reached him that a considerable number of Aborigines had been poisoned at the station of Dr. Kilgour, near Port Fairy.

"I can better understand your sense of obligation now. When a man commits a crime for a woman she gets some fool notions into her head about standing by him. I know my nephew's extravagances, Miss Kilgour. He had to steal to get five thousand dollars for your mother. There is just one handy place where he could steal. He took that money from the state treasury. He has told you so. Am I not right?"