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He listened for a moment, then made a tour of the windows, touched a spring in the wall, and drew down long, thick blinds. Afterwards he passed between the row of dilapidated benches and paused at the entrance door. He stooped down, examined the keyless lock, shook it gently, gazed upwards and downwards as though in vain search of bolts that were never there.

And some look of listening, of complacency, and of embarrassment he has verily got: note the eyes slightly askance, the lips compressed, and the right hand nervously grasping the left arm: nothing can be declared impossible to the people who could begin thus the world is open to them, and all that is in it; while, on the contrary, nothing is possible to the man who did the symmetrical angel the world is keyless to him; he has built a cell for himself in which he must abide, barred up for ever there is no more hope for him than for a sponge or a madrepore.

But all the doors are not open in a young lady's consciousness, quick of nature though she may be: some are locked and keyless, some will not open to the key, some are defended by ghosts inside. She could not have said what the something witnessed to. If we by chance know more, we have still no right to make it more prominent than it was with her.

Watch Keys. Keyless watches have been invented within the memory of most of us; it is obvious, therefore, that old watches were supplied with old keys, many of which were curious in form. The collector in search of a small group of collectable curios finds the watch key an excellent variety on which to specialize.

The only explanation possible is that the owners of houses where one is bored are socially color-blind, as cheerfully unconscious of their weakness as the keyless lady and the whistling abomination. Since increasing wealth has made entertaining general and lavish, this malady has become more and more apparent, until one is tempted to parody Mme.

Men and women had passed that way, but none had ventured to intrude, far less to steal. Faith and simplicity had guarded that keyless door more securely than the houses of the laity were defended by their gates like a modern gaol, and think iron bars at every window, and the gentry by moat, bastion, chevaux de frise, and portcullis.

"Dammy Darling," whispered a broken and tear-stained voice outside Dam's locked and keyless door the next morning, "are you dead yet?" "Nit," was the prompt reply, "but I'm starving to death, fast." "I am so glad," was the sobbed answer, "for I've got some flat food to push under the door." "Shove it under," said Dam. "Good little beast!"

Across the street in the Public Garden the wind stirred the gray tree-branches and set them to casting weird shadows on the bare, frozen ground. A warning something behind her sent Billy scurrying into the house just in time to prevent the heavy door's closing and shutting her out, keyless, in the cold. Half-past eleven came, and again Billy ran to the door.

And there was a thick albert chain made of solid silver for Ben, and a keyless silver watch for David; and what could boys possibly want more? Kathleen had remembered all her friends, and Aunt Katie O'Flynn was more than willing to carry out her request. Finally, at the very bottom of the trunk was a little parcel which she refrained from opening while Mrs. Tennant was present.

Now " He flicked out a little appliance the size and appearance of a keyless watch, whirled the knob, and behold a little figure in white appeared kinetoscope fashion on the dial, walking and turning. The tailor caught up a pattern of bluish white satin. "That is my conception of your immediate treatment," he said. The thickset man came and stood by the shoulder of Graham.