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Harelda glacialis. Hares, battles of male. Harlan, Dr., on the difference between field- and house-slaves. Harris, J.M., on the relation of complexion to climate. Harris, T.W., on the Katy-did locust; on the stridulation of the grasshoppers; on Oecanthus nivalis; on the colouring of Lepidoptera; on the colouring of Saturnia Io. Harting, spur of the Ornithorhynchus.

In October their work is over, the chorus ended, but you hear an occasional "Katy-did" and finally as late as Indian Summer, which is Hallowe'en, I have heard the last of the fiddlers rasp out "she did"; and do it in daytime, too, as though to flout the followers of Cicada. And, if the last word be truth, as they say, we may consider it settled, that Katy really and truly did.

He knew what she meant, and the aged chin quivered, while a big tear dropped into the tub of corn, as he replied: "Yes, Katy-did very sorry."

"Poor extravagant little thing!" said she to herself, "it was hardly worth while to ask her." "Pray, shall you invite the Crickets?" said Colonel Katy-did. "Who? I? Why, Colonel, what a question! Invite the Crickets? Of what can you be thinking?" "And shall you not ask the Locusts, or the Grasshoppers?" "Certainly.

But the joke of it was that the watchful Russian owner of the logs sent in his bill for the wood to the British G. H. Q. And a ream of correspondence was started between Major Young and G. H. Q., the typewriter controversy continuing long, like Katy-did and Katy-didn't, long after the sergeant with diplomacy, partial restoration, and sugar had appeased the complaining Russian.

Mamma said yesterday she was sure she didn't know how our bills were to be paid; and there's my green satin with point- lace yet to come home." And Miss Katy-did shrugged her shoulders and affected to be very busy with Colonel Katy-did, in just the way that young ladies sometimes do when they wish to signify to visitors that they had better leave.

As true as I live, I heard her answer back the other night with such a sly little 'Katy-did! she did! she did! I thought at first it actually came from the great elm-trees. Oh, she's been a girl once, you may depend; and hasn't more than half got over it either. But wait till we have our 'howl'!"

"Now," said Miss Katy-did, drawing an azalea-leaf towards her, "let us see whom shall we have? The Fireflies, of course; everybody wants them, they are so brilliant, a little unsteady, to be sure, but quite in the higher circles." "Yes, we must have the Fireflies," echoed the colonel. "Well, then, and the Butterflies and the Moths. Now, there's a trouble.

"Are you glad to have me home again, Uncle Eph?" she asked, when once she caught him regarding her with a peculiar look. "Yes, Katy-did, very glad," he answered. "I've missed you every day, though you do nothing much but bother me." "Why did you look funny at me just now?"

Kulmucks, general beardlessness of; aversion of, to hairs on the face; marriage-customs of the. Kangaroo, great red, sexual difference in the colour of. Kant, Imm., on duty; on self-restraint; on the number of species of man. Katy-did, stridulation of the. Keen, Dr., on the mental powers of snakes. Keller, Dr., on the difficulty of fashioning stone implements.