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All the copses of young timber were to be carefully protected by palings as heretofore, and even the ornamental cattle the shorthorns, and the Alderneys, and a few favourite 'Kerries, were to be kept on the allotted paddocks; and to old Kattoo herself was allotted a loose box, with a small field attached to it, where she might saunter at will, and ruminate over the less happy quadrupeds that had to work for their subsistence.

You'd say any one could have a sirloin of beef or a saddle of mutton; but where Miss Betty gets hers is quite beyond me. "Nor are the horses at public livery," read he out. 'I think I may say, if they were, that Kattoo won't be hired out again to the young man that took her over the fences.

Poor old Kattoo isn't used to this sort of cross-country work, and she's panting there badly enough. That mare is twenty-one years of age. 'She's fresh on her legs not a curb nor a spavin, nor even a wind-gall about her, said the young man. 'And the reward for it all is to be ridden like a steeplechaser! sighed old Kearney. 'Isn't that the world over?

'Well done! whoever you are, cried Kearney, delighted, as the rider removed his hat and turned round to salute him. 'And don't you know me, sir? asked he. ''Faith, I do not, replied Kearney; 'but somehow I think I know the chestnut. To be sure I do. There's the old mark on her knee, how ever she found the man who could throw her down. Isn't she Miss O'Shea's Kattoo?