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Answered Judar, "May thy head live!"; and the Jew said, "This is the reward of the covetous!" Then he took the mule and gave Judar an hundred dinars, with which he returned to his mother. "O my son," said she, "whence hast thou this?" So he told her, and she said, "Go not again to Lake Karun, indeed I fear for thee from the Moors."

Sometimes raised up, And sometimes hunted down by enemies, Men, struggling, pass through this precarious life, Exalted now to sovereign power; and now Steeped in the gulf of poverty and sorrow. To one is given the affluence of Kárun; Another dies in want. How little know we What form our future fortune may assume! The world is all deceit, deception all!

"Not when their teeth have dropped out," Magin threw over his shoulder "or when strong young men plug their jaws!" Two days later, or not quite three days later, the galley and the motor-boat whose accidental encounter brought about the events of this narrative met again. This second meeting took place in the Karun, as before, but at a point some fifty or sixty miles below Bund-i-Kir.

The peasant watched it all silently, as if waiting for some new magic of the Firengi, from his high bank of the Karun that snow-born river bound for distant palms, that had seen so many generations of the faces of men, so many of the barks to which men trust their hearts, their hopes, their treasures, as it wound, century after century, from the mountains to the sea.

No account was kept of the money which was squandered; from whence it came, or where it went: "When the wealth comes gratuitously, the heart has no mercy on it." Had I possessed even the treasures of Karun, they would not have been sufficient to supply this vast expenditure.

Parnapishtim shall dwell in the distance, at the confluence of the streams. Then they took me and placed me in the distance, at the confluence of the streams. The streams are, according to Haupt, the four rivers Euphrates, Tigris, Karun, and Kercha, which at one time emptied their waters independently into the Persian Gulf.

For not only had he felt impelled to bid good-by a second time to his friend Adolf Ganz, prince among the merchants of Shustar. He had even postponed his voyage down the Karun long enough to make one more journey overland to Bala Bala. And he heard there, not without interest, the story of the short visit and the sudden flight of the young Englishman he had accidentally met on the river.

When Nauder and Kárun saw the unfortunate result of the battle, they again fell back upon Dehstán, and secured themselves in the fort. Afrásiyáb in the meantime despatched Karúkhán to Irán, through the desert, with a body of horsemen, for the purpose of intercepting and capturing the shubistán of Nauder.

Delighted with this information, Minúchihr, seated upon his throne, with Kárun on one side and Sám on the other, presented Zál with Arabian horses, and armor, and gold, and splendid garments, and appointed Sám to the government of Kábul, Zábul, and Ind.

We shall yet have opportunities to admire the romantic scenery of the Karun!" "Ah! Monsieur takes no other object of virtue with him?" "Have you so much room?" laughed Magin. "It is a good thing there is no wind to-night. Go ahead." Gaston cast off, backed a few feet, reversed, and described a wide circle around the stern of the barge.