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"Are they like a magic lantern?" continued Pennie. "What are the pictures about?" "Various subjects," answered Miss Unity; "but these will represent scenes from the Karawayo Islands. There is to be a missionary address." "Haven't we done a lot this afternoon?" said Pennie, as they turned into the Close. "Lots we never meant to do."

All the faces were turned upon her with smiles, and the dean, quite ignorant of the misery he was causing her, drank up his coffee well pleased. "And so," he continued, as he put down his cup, "you're going to see the dissolving views. And are you as much interested in the Karawayo missions as my young folks?" Poor Pennie!

Although she would not have confessed it, her interest in the black children of Karawayo began to fade just now, and though she still attended the Working Societies and kept the missionary-box on her hall table, she was much more really concerned about Keturah's first pot-hooks and hangers.

And here the conversation ended, partly because Pennie had no answer to make to this statement, and partly because it was time to go to the evening service. It was a special service to-night, for a sermon was to be preached in aid of foreign missions by the Bishop of Karawayo.