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Heavy rains, but we went on, and found a village, Kifurwa, surrounded by cassava fields, and next day crossed the Muatozé, 25 yards wide, and running strongly towards Moero, knee deep. The River Kabukwa, seven yards wide, and also knee deep, going to swell the Muatozé.

I have walked over both these mental abortions, and did not know that I was walking on water till I saw them in the maps. The year concludes with health impaired. 28-31st December, 1867. We came on to the rivulet Chirongo, and then to the Kabukwa, where I was taken ill. Heavy rains kept the convoy back.

Parrots are here in numbers stealing Holcus sorghum in spite of the shouts of the women. We cross Muatizé by a bridge of one large tree, getting a good view of Moero from a hill near Kabukwa, and sleep at Chirongo River. 29th April, 1868. At the Mandapala River.

Thus in a clear day a lower range is seen continued from the high point of the first mass away to the west south-west, this ends, and sea horizon is alone visible away to the south and west; from the height we viewed it at, the width must be over forty, perhaps sixty miles. A large island, called Kirwa, is situated between the Mandapala and Kabukwa Rivers, but nearest to the other shore.