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Un exposé défigurant les événements des derniers jours ayant paru dans la presse étrangère, le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères croit de son devoir de publier l'aperçu suivant des pourparlers diplomatiques pendant le temps susvisé.

"Elle est partie pour toujours, monsieur; elle ne reviendra plus." "Ah!" was my involuntary exclamation; then after a pause: "En etes-vous bien sure, Sylvie?" "Oui, oui, monsieur, mademoiselle la directrice nous l'a dit elle-meme il y a deux ou trois jours." And I could pursue my inquiries no further; time, place, and circumstances forbade my adding another word.

Nothing in the history of the Cent Jours is more strange than the small part played in it by the Marshals, the very men who are so identified in our minds with the Emperor, that we might have expected to find that brilliant band playing a most prominent part in his last great struggle, no longer for mere victory, but for very existence.

Après trois jours de marche nous arrivâmes

But the result was disappointing. Only one noble had his head cut off. Few executions were carried into effect, many were on paper. One of the latter, a ruffian steeped in blood, defied the sentence and was banished. Flechier in his amusing and instructive book, Les grands Jours d'Auvergne, has given us a dramatic account of the trial.

Perhaps I cannot better bring this account of our long voyage from Valparaiso to a conclusion than by a quotation from a charming book, given to me at Rio, which I have lately been reading Baron de Hubner's 'Promenade autour du Monde: 'Les jours se suivent et se ressemblent. Sauf le court épisode du mauvais temps, ces trois semaines me font l'effet d'un charmant rêve, d'un conte de fée, d'une promenade imaginaire

In all history there is no record of such a siege, of such a disproportion in the forces, of such a glorious outcome. The Knights of Malta live for ever among the heroes of all time. FOOTNOTES: See an excellent account of the galleys and discipline of the Knights of St. John in Jurien de la Gravière, les Derniers Jours de la Marine

Then from the stairs below came Braith's anxious voice. "Trent! Is all well?" "Et tout les jours passes dans la tristesse Nous sont comptes comme des jours heureux!" The street is not fashionable, neither is it shabby. It is a pariah among streets a street without a Quarter. It is generally understood to lie outside the pale of the aristocratic Avenue de l'Observatoire.

Gothard against Suwarrow are well known. Naturally disgraced for the part he took with Moreau, he was not again employed till the Cent Jours, when he did good service, although he had disapproved of the defection of Ney from the Royalist cause.

Then putting his finger on the words, and emphasizing some of them, he began as follows: "'Le 7 juin 1862 le trois-mats Britannia de Glasgow a sombre apres, put, if you please, 'deux jours, trois jours, or 'une longue agonie, it doesn't signify, it is quite a matter of indifference, 'sur les cotes de l'Australie.