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It's my fault; and I've got something over from my journey-money." The offer was gladly accepted, and at length, when the train reached Chatton, the three chums wished their companion good-bye, laughing heartily over their unexpected journey. "What time's the next train back to Ronleigh?" asked Jack, as he paid the money for their fare to the ticket-collector.

"Give me the journey-money, I will remain at Paris; but I will give a written engagement not to trouble you or your brother again. That should be sufficient." "It is not for you to judge of that. Begone! I have neither the time nor the wish to listen to you. Remember, Paris without a farthing, or Rome with twenty-five louis." Thereupon I called Clairmont, and told him to put the abbe out.

Besides, the men at the golf-club heard them singing 'Aaron and Moses. I shall have complaints about that from the parents of day-boys. Decency must be preserved." "We're coming to help," said all the guests. The Upper School were caned one after the other, their overcoats over their arms, the brakes waiting in the road below to take them to the station, their journey-money on the table.

Could he not squeeze under the seat of a carriage? He had seen this method adopted by schoolboys, when the journey-money provided by thoughtful parents had been diverted to other and better ends.

The School had got its journey-money by the time it appeared, and wanted something to read in the train. Jim's pound was raised with ease. Charteris took it round to him at the Babe's house, together with a copy of the special number. 'By Jove, said Jim. 'Thanks awfully. Do you know, I'd absolutely forgotten all about The Glow Worm. I was to have written something for this number, wasn't I?

They none of them expected for a moment that the three youngsters had come for any more important purpose than to solicit orders for new caps or "journey-money," and this confession came like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. "What!" exclaimed the head-master, taking the scrap of paper, and glancing alternately from the mystic word to the boy's face "what on earth is this? Explain yourself."

How much money would be needed? That would depend. If they could cajole a slave the job would call only for cash for the instigators!" expenses, for journey-money and for a good sabre for the challenger, and at the last a bonus for all concerned. If a slave-owner had to be bribed, more cash and more money for bonuses would be required.

The next day she had her carriage, and I had my three hundred crowns, and I let the proud prelate understand that I had avenged myself for his rudeness. About this time Severini succeeded in obtaining a position as tutor in an illustrious Neapolitan family, and as soon as he received his journey-money he left Bologna. I also had thoughts of leaving the town.

Tulke nearly blubbed. He's awfully shy of us since Mary's time." Tulke preserved that modesty till the last moment till the journey-money had been paid, and the boys were filling the brakes that took them to the station. Then the three tenderly constrained him to wait a while. "You see, Tulke, you may be a prefect," said Stalky, "but I've left the Coll. Do you see, Tulke, dear?" "Yes, I see.

On the other hand if he wants to go away, let him say where, and I will pay his journey-money this evening." "Nothing could be more generous. What do you say, abbe?" "I say that this is the way in which he drove me from Marseilles. What intolerable violence!" "Give God thanks, monster, that instead of thrashing you within an inch of your life as you deserve, I am going to give you some money!