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After the burial Josh and Paul went on back to Halton, where they worked in the Steel Mills. They left Aunt Rachel and Phoebe to stay on and pay us a visit.

"That's five to begin with; and I might mention Billy Button; yes, and Walter Douglass, though I guess he'd take the premium for a tenderfoot, because he knows next to nothing about outdoor life." "But he's willing to learn, because he told me so, Josh; and that counts a lot, you know. That makes seven doesn't it?

"I have been wanting all evening to get in a word with some of the crowd concerning this young lady, but it looks like it's hard to get away from the women folk long enough to talk sense." "I believe I know what you mean," said Mr. Bucknor uneasily. "It won't do, Josh, it won't do." "The dickens it won't do, if we decide to claim her!" "But the ladies, Josh, the ladies!

The young gentleman in brown interrupted him. "You're mistaken," he said, "I was never there." Then, turning to his friend, he added, with an elaborate "Josh Whitcomb" accent: "Monty, 'taters must be lookin' up. All aour folks have come to town to spend their money."

"One day in November," she said, "a man who used to do odd jobs about the place for my father, and whom we always called Josh, his name was Joshua Wheeler, left his work to bring to the house and put into my hand a queer-looking pod-shaped package firmly fastened to a stout twig. It was of a rusty gray color and looked as much like a thick wad of dirty brown paper as any thing I can think of.

"I cannot speak about it again," she said to herself; "I cannot say any more to him. I cannot say I don't know what I ought to say! but I wish he knew that I do not dislike him. He is keen enough; surely he will find it out." Pan after pan was set aside; the churn was filled; and Diana began to churn. Presently in came Mrs. Starling. "Hain't Josh brought the milk yet?" "Not yet."

The fault was not with her strength; there was an exact knack needed in the use of the wrench. On shore, in the yard, Josh Owen crouched low in his place of concealment. He had failed to prevent Grace from starting in the rowboat because, until it was too late, he did not believe the plucky young woman had any such intention.

Three members of the town council were converted with a Dindon farci a la Josh Smith. And then, finally, Mr. Diston persuaded Dean Drone to come, and as soon as Mr. Smith and Alphonse saw him they landed him with a fried flounder that even the apostles would have appreciated. After that, every one knew that the license question was practically settled. The petition was all over the town.

We wouldn't have come out at all if your partner hadn't insisted. He was so hot to have us butt in here and hand your heart a flutter that I just couldn't resist his pleading voice. It's a catchy jest, all right, and it's making me laugh. The way you two ducks josh each other is pitiful, but your secret is safe with me, Manager. I won't make no bad breaks, and Dodo won't ever open her talk-trap.

"I’d a heap rather be shet up ’tarnally than to ’long to anybody ’sides Marster Josh," said Bob. During breakfast Mr. Middleton suddenly exclaimed, while looking at Stanton, "I’ve been tryin’ ever since you’ve been here to think who you look like, and I’ve jest thought. It’s Dr. Lacey." "Who, sir?" said Stanton in some surprise. "Dr. Lacey. D’ye know him?" asked Mr. Middleton. "Dr.