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When he frowned, all the lines pointed to hell, the grave, decay and damnation. "Earthling," the undertaker repeated. "Earthman? Terrestrial? Solarian? Space Ranger? Homo sapiens?" Collins decided Candle was sure in a jokey mood. "Kind of makes you think of it, don't it, Doc? The spaceport going right up outside of town.

"No, I think the Calico Clown had nothing to do with your being here," said the Candy Rabbit with a smile. "Then who did?" asked the Monkey. "Herbert. A boy who lives here with his sister Madeline," went on the Rabbit. "Dear me! this is getting more and more riddly-like and jokey," said the Monkey. "I don't understand it at all! Why am I not in the store where I belong?"

I've always thought of him as being like grandpa, not that grandpa isn't very nice," she added quickly, "but he doesn't think much about little girls, and never says funny jokey things to them as your father does. He never seems to notice the things I do, and your father talks to Patty about the little, little things I never knew grown up men were interested in."

"Yes; he's doing awfully well." And a sound like a faint sigh caught his ears. "Would you say he's changed much since you knew him, Dad?" "I don't know perhaps a little less jokey." "Yes; he's lost his laugh." It was very evenly and softly said, yet it affected Winton. "Can't expect him to keep that," he answered, "turning people inside out, day after day and most of them rotten.

I was getting skeered she didn't, her letters all winter had been so kind of jokey and frivolous, all about the good times she was having, and the parties she went to, and the new dresses she got. New dresses!

Then her fretting was lost in the excitement of approaching Seattle and their host Claire's cousin, Eugene Gilson, an outrageously prosperous owner of shingle-mills. He came from an old Brooklyn Heights family. He had married Eva Gontz of Englewood. He liked music and wrote jokey little letters and knew the addresses of all the best New York shops.

"Where'd you get that story, Corinne?" His odd habit of so calling her had often been privately discussed between Kern and her mother, who had so long ago shortened their own original Kurrin that even that had passed from memory. They had concluded that this was only one of his jokey gempman's ways. "Off Sadie Whirtle," said Kern, rocking backward and forward in her chair.

We all know how he loves his fun!" "You bet. I'm a jokey old bird. Come on, Carrie; let's beat it," remarked Kennicott. Raymie implored, "And what is your chief artistic interest, Mrs. Kennicott?" "Oh " Aware that the traveling salesman had murmured, "Dentistry," she desperately hazarded, "Architecture." "That's a real nice art.

I couldn't write a line to her to save my life. She'd be horrified at anything funny or jokey and our letters will have to be mainly nonsense nonsense of the best brand, to be sure, but still nonsense." "Better leave Miss Marshall out," suggested Carol. "You know she disapproves of us anyhow. She'd probably resent a letter of the sort, thinking we were trying to play some kind of joke on her."

And in one of the pigeonholes there lay, sure enough, a note; not, indeed, from a mustached count with a neyeglass, but from one who perhaps seemed not less of the purple to the fevered little buncher. This note was written in the best jokey vein throughout, beginning, "Miss Corinne Garland, City Dear Madam," and signed, "Your most obliged and obedient servant, Writing-Desk."...