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They'll be arter these eer treppings for certing, since they hain't much chence o' gittin' soger fixings out theer. We-ell, what I mean to do is to put the knepsacks off on 'em for some new improvement o' pattern. I guess it air thet I've heerd say so at the Fort then the Morming jineral, who air the prophet hisself, an' who's got berrls o' dollars he'll buy the knepsacks at any price.

'Now the clerk was the parson's groom and gardener and jineral manager, and had just got back to his work in the garden when he, too, saw the hunting man pass, and presently saw lots more of 'em, noblemen and gentry, and then he saw the hounds, the huntsman, Jim Treadhedge, the whipper-in, and I don't know who besides.

'Od rot the women, 'tis nothing else wi' 'em nowadays but getting young men and leading 'em astray." "Pooh, father! you just repeat what all the common world says; that's all you do." "The world's a very sensible feller on things in jineral, Dick; very sensible indeed." Dick looked into the distance at a vast expanse of mortgaged estate.

I told 'em it would be so, when they was here beguzzlen my buckwheat cakes, in plain English; only the outlandish Injins couldn't understand their mother tongue. They're got enough swallowen without chawen, this morning. I wish them nothen but Jineral Maxwell at their tails, tickling 'em with continental bagonets.

"That sounds a good sort o' name too," said Barney; "sort o' name you see in gowld letters on a chany mug in the shop winders, don't it? I don't fancy, though, I could bring my tongue to it, not as a jineral thing. I shall call yer `Nipper, if you don't mind. After a friend o' mine."

But no one ever heard the old man use harsher language in speaking of her than to remark that she was "a female Jineral that's what Tabitha is." Perhaps she was, and but for her the Bishop and his household had starved long ago. "Furagin' is her strong point" he would always add "she'd made Albert Sydney Johnston a great chief of commissary." And there was not an herb of any value that Mrs.

"But how was we to know, if you left no account of your doings?" expostulated Coggan, "and ladies don't drive at these hours, miss, as a jineral rule of society." "I did leave an account and you would have seen it in the morning. I wrote in chalk on the coach-house doors that I had come back for the horse and gig, and driven off; that I could arouse nobody, and should return soon."

'Where the divil are the folk gone? said Latimer, waking up to the fact of their absence, and looking round. 'I'll have 'em up for this! Why don't they come and help us? There's not a man about the place but the Methodist parson, and he's an old woman. I demand assistance in the king's name! 'We must find the jineral public afore we can demand that, said his lieutenant.

Jes' git a note ter the Jineral at Wildcat ready while we saddle fresh beasts, an' we'll hev hit in his hands afore midnight." The proposition was immediately accepted, and in a little while the Kentuckians were speeding their way back to Gen. Schoepf, with a letter giving the news, and signed: "Kent Edwards, Chief of Scouts."

'No doubt she will, said the miller; 'for I have never known thee wanting in sense in a jineral way. He turned his cup round on its axis till the handle had travelled a complete circle. 'How long did you say in your letter that you had known her? 'A fortnight. 'Not very long. 'It don't sound long, 'tis true; and 'twas really longer 'twas fifteen days and a quarter.