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Saw through the middle of the bone and observe the yellow marrow. *To show the Minute Structure of the Bone.*—Prepare a section of bone for microscopic study as follows: With a jeweler’s saw cut as thin a slice as possible.

He was greatly pleased with the child and on taking her to a jeweler’s bid her select such a ring as she fancied. A ring with a variety of stones, a sentiment ring, took her girlish eyes and she chose it in preference to a more costly one. And that was all that came of it. Her visit did not lead to a concert and their fortunes seemed as desperate as ever.

I’m looking for something for my mother.” “I’ll help you,” Maida said. She took Rosie’s hand, and, thus linked together, the two little girls discussed everything that they saw. Suddenly, Rosie uttered a little cry of joy and stopped at a jeweler’s window. A tray with the label, “SOLID SILVER, $1,” overflowed with little heart-shaped pendants.

"Yes, ma’am," said Janice, turning to put down the tray, and then crossing the room to seek something on the chimney-piece. Aunt Mary gave a sudden twist,—as if the drink had infused an effervescing energy into her frame. "Well what am I goin’ to do to-day?" she asked. "Mr. Denham has written out your engagements here," said Janice, handing her a jeweler’s box as she spoke.