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Jean-Philippe Watteau has received a letter from his son to-day. It recounts how modestly, and almost as a matter of course! his late successes.

Jean-Philippe Watteau has received a letter from his son to-day. It recounts how modestly, and almost as a matter of course! his late successes.

We were all Jean-Philippe, Michelle Watteau, and ourselves half in expectation of a visit from Antony; and to-day, quite suddenly, he is with us. I was lingering after early Mass this morning in the church of Saint Vaast. It is good for me to be there.

We were all Jean-Philippe, Michelle Watteau, and ourselves half in expectation of a visit from Antony; and to-day, quite suddenly, he is with us. I was lingering after early Mass this morning in the church of Saint Vaast. It is good for me to be there.

My brother, Jean-Baptiste, ran to tell the news to old Jean-Philippe and Michelle Watteau. A new manner of painting! The old furniture of people's rooms must needs be changed throughout, it would seem, to accord with this painting; or rather, the painting is designed exclusively to suit one particular kind of apartment.

My brother, Jean-Baptiste, ran to tell the news to old Jean-Philippe and Michelle Watteau. A new manner of painting! The old furniture of people's rooms must needs be changed throughout, it would seem, to accord with this painting; or rather, the painting is designed exclusively to suit one particular kind of apartment.