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"By Jasus, and ye may say that with your own pritty mouth," remarked another veteran, who answered to the name of Lieutenant Murphy; "for it isn't now, while we are surrounded and bediviled by the savages, that any man of the rigimint should be after talking of bating a retrate."

Mulford had no difficulty in finding Bridget, whose exclamations of "murther!" "help!" "he-l-lup!" "Jasus!" and other similar cries, led him directly to the spot, where she was fast drowning herself by her own senseless struggles. Seizing her by the arm, the active young mate soon placed her on her feet, though her cries did not cease until she was ordered by her mistress to keep silence.

The mob were of his opinion; and Phelim, who was now, alas! worked up to the proper pitch for blundering, added, by way of pleasing his audience still more "If this contractor had illuminated in character, it should have been with dark lanterns." "Should it? by Jasus! that would be an Irish illumination," cried some one.

Hallo! neighbor," he exclaimed, giving M'Carthy a shove, who started up and looked about him with admirable tact. "What what eh what's this? who are you all? what are you about?" he asked, and as he spoke, he sprung to his feet. "What's this?" he exclaimed again. "Sweet Jasus! is this Fagan the tithe-proctor that I shot? eh or are you stay no ah, no not the polis.

Oh, I'd give all I'm worth to see that heart fixed upon God! I could bear to part wid her, for she must die some time; but to go wid this world's thoughts an' timptations ragin' strong in her heart mockin' God, an' hope, an' religion, an' everything: oh! that I can't bear! Sweet Jasus, change her heart! Queen o' Heaven, have pity on her, an' save her!"

On the contrary, he would whistle and sing until something went wrong, when suddenly you would hear the most terrific uproar of words: "Come out av that! Come out, now! Jasus Christ, man, have ye no sinse at aall? Put it down! Put it down! What arre ye doin'? What did I tell ye? Have ye no raison in ye, no sinse, ye h'athen nagur?" "Great heavens!" I used to think, "what has happened now?"

The horse gave a terrific leap on the bank paused for a moment and clearing the second ditch, came down safe on his legs with a shock that seemed to shake the field. "Hurroo! well done! beat that George now for Brown Hall; no, by Jasus, little Larry's next, now, Larry, the Virgin send you safe over!"

"Bless your dear soul," replied the widow, "when you undertake to do a good and charitable deed, and sarve the Lord Jasus, if you expect a blessing on your soul, don't half do the thing, and leave a poor widow to do the other half.

By the sweet Jasus but I should be glad to see the pretty boy that would dare to lay a little finger upon me! After another wrangle, and treating their reasonings and half menaces with the most contemptuous disregard, a gentleman from the next box interfered, and observed it certainly was very improper behaviour.

We must not, from false delicacy to our countrymen, here omit a piece of advice to English retailers or inventors of Irish blunders. Let them beware of such prefatory exclamations as "By my shoul and St. Patrick! By Jasus! Arrah, honey!