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"Has war been declared, sahib?" "Yes. Germany has invaded Belgium." For a second the Sikh's eyes blazed, but the fire died down again. He clasped his hands in front of him and hung his head. "I will do this thing that I am asked to do," he said; but his words were scarcely audible. His trooper came a step closer, to be nearer to him in his minute of acutest agony. "Thou and I, Jagut Singh!

"Wasn't a trooper of yours murdered yesterday?" the general asked. "Yes," said Kirby. "And another missing?" "Yes, sir." "Did Ranjoor Singh go off to search for the missing man?" "I was told so." "H-rrrr-ump! Well, I'm glad you came; you've saved me trouble! Did you put Ranjoor Singh in Orders as assigned to special duty?" "Yes." "What is the missing trooper's name?" "Jagut Singh."

"Thou, Jagut Singh!" he exclaimed. He stepped back, blinked to reassure himself, and stepped to the hole again. Back to back, tied right hand to right, left hand to left, so that their arms were crossed behind them, and lashed waist to waist, a trooper of D Squadron and the Afridi whom lie had kicked at Yasmini's sat on the floor facing opposite walls.

His voice betrayed interest at last; it suggested future possibilities instead of a grim present. "That he will do what is required of him!" "Is that the price of a drink for Jagut Singh?" "Aye! Will the sahib pay, or will he let the trooper parch?" "Ask Jagut Singh! Go, ask him! Let it be as he answers!" He could hear her hurry away, although she slammed the trap-door shut.

Dumb misery was stamped on the Sikh's face, the despair of evaporated savagery on the Afridi's. "Jagut Singh!" said the risaldar-major, louder this time; and the trooper looked up, almost as if hope had been that instant born in him. "Jagut Singh!" The trooper grinned. A white row of ivory showed between his black beard and mustache.

He drew the dagger out of his hair and cut the man loose. "Jagut Singh!" he exclaimed. The trooper stood up and saluted. "Who brought thee here?" "Women, sahib, in a carriage!" "When?" "Even now!" "Where is that Afridi?" "Dead, sahib!" "How?" "She brought us water in a brass vessel, saying it was by thy orders, sahib. She cut us loose and gave him water first.