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Guapo, however, showed them how on the very next day. During that evening he made an excursion into the wood, and returned home carrying with him a large bundle of roots. They were the roots of two species of plants one of the genus Piscidea, the other a Jacquinia.

The arrow-poisons of South America are not all made from the creeping plant, the mavacure. Among some Indian tribes a root is used called "curare de raiz;" and with others the poison is produced by a mixture of several species of juices from the plant Ambihuasca, tobacco, red pepper, a bark called "barbasco," from a tree of the genus Jacquinia, and a plant of the name "sarnango."

We would not employ the barbasco, that is to say, the roots of the Piscidea erithyrna, the Jacquinia armillaris, and some species of phyllanthus, which thrown into the pool, intoxicate or benumb the eels. These methods have the effect of enfeebling the gymnoti. They brought about thirty with them, which they forced to enter the pool.

The arrow-poisons of South America are not all made from the creeping plant, the mavacure. Among some Indian tribes a root is used called "curare de raiz;" and with others the poison is produced by a mixture of several species of juices from the plant Ambihuasca, tobacco, red pepper, a bark called "barbasco," from a tree of the genus Jacquinia, and a plant of the name "sarnango."

Guapo, however, showed them how on the very next day. During that evening he had made an excursion into the wood, and returned home carrying with him a large bundle of roots. They were the roots of two species of plants one of the genus Piscidea, the other a Jacquinia.