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When he turned it on again, Baby was saying, "Kukk-ina za zeeva." "No, Baby, Pappy Jack doesn't understand. We'll have to be awfully patient, and learn each other's language." "Pa-pee Jaaak!" Baby cried. "Ba-bee za-hinga; Pa-pee Jaak za zag ga he-izza!" "That yeeking is just the audible edge of their speech; bet we have a lot of transsonic tones in our voices, too."

Behind a swarm of half-stretched and loose-hanging clouts and canvas things, a lad sat on an overturned tub, his fair-haired curly head in his hands, his elbows on his knees, peering through a sort of lattice-work. Jaak sat down at the other side, on a bundle of maize, in just the same attitude, and looked too....

They carefully combed and cleaned their black velvet ruffs, smoothed their sharp-striped feathers one by one, fondled and rubbed their downy breasts till they shone like new-blown roses.... And Jaak and Stafke sat watching this, sat watching this, like two steel statues, sweating in that warm loft. They did not stir nor speak a single word. And that lasted and went on.... It grew dusk.

They both together stood up straight, gave a long-drawn sigh and went below. "It's getting dark," said Jaak, wiping the sweat from his face. "The cows will be waiting." "Yes," said Stafke. "It gets evening all at once. Well, Jaak, till Sunday."

And Jaak went away, through the now moonlit drove, with a new bundle under his arm and thinking of the farm, of his twenty-nine cow-beasts and of Sunday and of Stafke's pigeons.... Il y a des malheurs qui arrivent d'un pas si lent et si sur qu'ils paraissent faire partie de la vie journaliere.

SAIOH means good in the sense of kindly, pleasantly toned, or agreeable. JAAK is bad in the sense of a bad crop or an unfortunate occurrence, or a sore foot, I.E. it conveys no moral flavour. Morally bad is expressed by SALA; this is used in the same sense in Malay and may well be a recently-adopted word.

The three judges waited, and he continued: "Having formed these abstract ideas, it becomes necessary to symbolize them, in order to deal with them apart from the actual object. The sapient being is a symbolizer, and a symbol communicator; he is able to convey to other sapient beings his ideas in symbolic form." "Like 'Pa-pee Jaak'?" the judge on his right, with the black mustache, asked.