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Thirdly, a lack of restraint. This, again, touches the matter of literary style. Many women-writers, though by no means all, have been cured of the habit of italicising, which was the outcome of a natural desire to atone for weakness by stridency. Women have given up italics; but they have set no watch against over-emphasis in more insidious forms.

Maria Morell, cautiously tapped, threw back her head and roared with laughter. "Bless its little heart! Does it want to know? say, Laura, who's your mash?" "No one," answered Laura stoutly. "I only asked. For I guess you KNOW, Maria." "By gosh, you bet I do!" cried Maria, italicising the words in her vehemence.

Croker, italicising could and suppressing the latter part of the sentence, describes it as a criticism that must have been offensive to Johnson. The writer's meaning is simple enough. The address, he knew, was delivered in the Chapel of Newgate by a prisoner under sentence of death. If, instead of 'written' he had said 'delivered, his meaning would have been quite clear.

Again he was abnormally voluble, as if holding his cousin at arm's length by italicising his own fanatical fervour, till Roy's impatience subsided into weariness and he palpably stifled a yawn. Dyán, detecting him, stopped dead, with a pained, puzzled look that went to Roy's heart.

Now, it must not be withheld, for it would be too uncandid, that identical passages are found in the Annals ascribed to Tacitus and the Sacred History of Sulpicius Severus. In order that the reader may see the identity of the passages, we place them in juxtaposition, italicising the words that are found in both works:

The word "Courts" struck out twice, I wish reduced to "Court" and retained "Court" as a collection more properly governs the plural "have" as I understand "The" preceding "Court," in the latter case, must also be retained The words "quite," "as," and "or" on the same page, I wish retained. The italicising, and quotation marking, I have no objection to.

Mangan, italicising, in her indignation, every second word, "and for goodness' sake, go on and tell me what was the argument you said you had?" "My dear, I couldn't go into it properly now. I'll tell you another time. I'm bound to go, and as quick as I can too! Run now, like a good girl, and tell Barty or Mike to get the car ready in a hurry.

See ante, i. 332, for the influence of seasons on composition. Boswell, post, Nov. 1, writes of 'old Scottish enthusiasm, again italicising these two words. See ante, iii. 410. See ante, i. 354. Giles.