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They come,” ran the wiseacre’s comment; but their buzzing ceased, as again the gate swung back to suffer two ladies to peer forth. Ladies, in the truth, for the twain had little in common with the ogling village maids, and whispers were soon busy with them. “Lookhis wife and her mother! How would you, Praxinœ, like to marry an Isthmionices?”

Sooner will I go on to the bench myself. You have been through the gates of Tartarus these last days, and need all your strength. Are you not the Isthmionices,—the swiftest runner in Hellas?” Then Glaucon had stepped back and said no more.

As the question was repeated, the scrutiny grew yet closer. The soldiers were pressing around, one comrade leaning over another’s shoulder. Twenty saw the fugitive’s form straighten as he stood in the morning twilight. “I am Glaucon of Athens, Isthmionices!” “Ah!” Leonidas’s jaw dropped for an instant. He showed no other astonishment, but the listening Spartans raised a yell. “Death!

Until now he scarce thought enough of self to realize the terrible draughts he had made upon his treasure-house of strength. Could it be that hethe Isthmionices, who had crushed down the giant of Sparta before the cheering myriadscould faint like a weary girl, when the weal of Hellas was his to win or lose? Why did his tongue burn in his throat as a coal?

Glaucon had stood perfectly passive during all this grim by-play. Once Phormio saw his fellow-captive’s face twist into a smile, but in the excitement of the moment the fishmonger as well as the Carthaginians almost forgot the Isthmionices, and Hib relaxed his grip and guard. Lars’s finger was streaming red, when Hasdrubal threw away the steering-paddle in a rage. “Silence her forever!