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Kideng is a tall, fat spirit with nine heads. He is the servant of Ináwen, and carries the gifts of mortals to his mistress. Ibwa is an evil spirit, who once mingled with the people in human form. Due to the thoughtless act of a mourner at a funeral, he became so addicted to the taste of human flesh, that it has since then been necessary to protect the corpse from him.

When he reaches the agreed spot, he finds only their hats; he looks down and sees them in the ground. He tries in vain to get them out. The spirit Kaboniyan instructs him to perform the Ibal ceremony. He does so and receives his wife and child. The spirit Ináwen, who lives in the sea, sends her servants to spread sickness. They kill many people who fail to make the Sangásang ceremony.

They arrive and begin their work, and if the people do not make Sangásang, many will die. Now it is morning, and the spirits are going to the river to see what the people have offered to the old woman, who is Ináwen. If they do not find anything, they will say, 'All the people in this town shall die, and then they will go on to another place." Dapeg leaves the first town.

When he reaches the agreed spot, he finds only their hats; he looks down and sees them in the ground. He tries in vain to get them out. The spirit Kaboniyan instructs him to perform the Ibal ceremony. He does so and receives his wife and child. The spirit Inawen, who lives in the sea, sends her servants to spread sickness. They kill many people who fail to make the Sangasang ceremony.

The spirits of Ibal, who live in Daem, are responsible for most sickness among children, but they are easily appeased with blood and rice. The Ibal ceremony is held for them. Ináwen is a pregnant female spirit, who lives in the sea, and who demands the blood of a chicken mixed with rice to satisfy her capricious appetite. She also attends the Sangásang.