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"Let us return simply but grandly to our inalienable rights the right o' freedom on these yere verdant hills, an' no invijjus distinctions o' track an' pedigree:" "What in stables 'jer call an invijjus distinction?" said the Deacon, stiffly. "Fer one thing, bein' a bloated, pampered trotter jest because you happen to be raised that way, an' couldn't no more help trottin' than eatin'."

"Let us return simply but grandly to our inalienable rights the right o' freedom on these yere verdant hills, an' no invijjus distinctions o' track an' pedigree:" "What in stables 'jer call an invijjus distinction?" said the Deacon, stiffly. "Fer one thing, bein' a bloated, pampered trotter jest because you happen to be raised that way, an' couldn't no more help trottin' than eatin'."

I reckon I'm very little good now, but I'm rememberin' the things I used to do befo' I took to transpo'tin' real estate with the help an' assistance of this gentleman here." He looked at Muldoon. "Invijjus arterficial hind legs !" said the ex-carhorse, with a grunt of contempt.

I reckon I'm very little good now, but I'm rememberin' the things I used to do befo' I took to transpo'tin' real estate with the help an' assistance of this gentleman here." He looked at Muldoon. "Invijjus arterficial hind legs!" said the ex-carhorse, with a grunt of contempt.