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We dined with the magnate, and found a very large party assembled. Amongst others, I especially recollect that the Inquisidor General was conspicuous; but every one, with the exception of the Captain General and his immediate staff, was arrayed in gingham jackets; so there was not much style in the affair. I had before dinner an opportunity to inspect the works of Carthagena at my leisure.

Señor Inquisidor General y Señores del Consejo. Y que los libros y papeles pertenecientes á los cargos deste proceso se retengan en este Sancto Oficio. XI, p. 354: 'Aquí se ha visto el proceso contra fray Luis de Leon, de la órden de Sant Agustin, preso en esas cárceles, y va determinado como veréis por lo que al fin dél va asentado. Aquello se ejecutará.

"The officers of Goa were; the inquisidor mor or grand inquisitor, who was always a secular priest; the second inquisitor, Dominican friar; several deputies, who came, when called for, to assist the inquisitors at trials, but never entered without such a summons; qualifiers, as usual, to examine books and writings, but never to witness an examination of the living, or be present at any act of the kind; a fiscal; a procurator; advocates, so called, for the accused; notaries and familiars.

Presently a point of war was sounded by half a dozen trumpeters, and Splinter and I made our appearance each in the dress of a Spanish general. The party consisted of Morillo's personal staff, the captain general, the inquisidor general, and several colonels and majors of different regiments.

This damnable libel doth not spare one Councillor of State here present, but the Inquisidor General; and to crown the damnation of it, the King himself bears the burden, besides the smaller game it picks up by the way. So more than ordinary black is the Spanish ink at this day, and the mouths of two too many, loud ones too, much of the same dye.

Guarde nuestro Señor vuestras muy Reverendas personas. En Madrid siete de diciembre 1576. The decision of the Supreme Inquisition is reproduced in Documentos inéditos, vol. XI, p. 358: 'En 13 de agosto de 1577 años, por mandado de los señores Inquisidores saqué esta sentencia de fray Luis, signada, é la entregué al Señor Inquisidor doctor Guijano.