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They should be removed from the caskets in which they are sterilised by means of sterilised forceps, and handed direct to the surgeon. The assistant who attends to the swabs should wear sterilised gloves. Ligatures and Sutures. To avoid the risk of implanting infective matter in a wound by means of the materials used for ligatures and sutures, great care must be taken in their preparation.

The bursa is also liable to infective conditions, such as acute rheumatism, gonorrhœa, suppuration, or tubercle. The bursa underneath the tendon of the subscapularis muscle when inflamed causes alteration in the attitude of the shoulder and impairment of its movements.

Hydrophobia is an acute infective disease following on the bite of a rabid animal. It most commonly follows the bite or lick of a rabid dog or cat.

The same general plan of after-care is necessary. Recovery, however, does not require so much time ordinarily, yet punctures of the sheath occasioned by nails or other small implements make for long drawn out cases of infective synovitis. Luxation of the Fetlock Joint. Etiology and Occurrence.

The patient may succumb to hæmorrhage or to infective complications such as erysipelas or meningitis. Secondary growths in the lymph glands, while not unknown, are extremely rare. We have only seen them once in a case of rodent cancer in the groin. Diagnosis. Lupus is the disease most often mistaken for rodent cancer.

It is not necessary to isolate cases of erysipelas, provided the usual precautions against carrying infection from one patient to another are rigidly carried out. Diphtheria is an acute infective disease due to the action of a specific bacterium, the bacillus diphtheriæ or Klebs-Löffler bacillus.

Since that time much other work has been done by independent workers as well as by French and English Commissions both working at Rio de Janeiro. The results of their investigation are practically the same and may be summed up as follows: 1. The virus of the yellow fever is in the blood-plasma, not in the corpuscles, for these may be removed and the plasma still be infective.

#Teno-synovitis.# The toxic or infective agent is conveyed to the tendon sheaths through the blood-stream, as in the gouty, gonorrhœal, and tuberculous varieties, or is introduced directly through a wound, as in the common pyogenic form of teno-synovitis. Teno-synovitis Crepitans.

The infective form usually begins as a peri-phlebitis arising in connection with some focus of infection in the adjacent tissues. The elements of the vessel wall are destroyed by suppuration, and the thrombus in its lumen becomes infected with pyogenic bacteria and undergoes softening.

In itself, therefore, dry gangrene does not involve immediate risk to life; the danger lies in the fact that the breach of surface at the line of demarcation furnishes a possible means of entrance for bacteria, which may lead to infective complications. #Moist Gangrene# is an acute process, the dead part retaining its fluids and so affording a favourable soil for the development of bacteria.