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Then Oremus and prayer "Omnipotens sempiterne Deus ... Divinum auxilium ... Amen," are said. Then the Pater Noster, Ave and Credo are said silently, and this finishes the Hour. The prayer Sacro-sanctae et individuae.... V. Beata viscera ... R. Et beata ubera ... Pater Noster and Ave are generally added though not of obligation. They are to be said kneeling.

His words shall give us judgment, whether he is to live or to die." Winfried lifted himself high upon the altar, drew a roll of parchment from his bosom, and began to read. "A letter from the great Bishop of Rome, who sits on a golden throne, to the people of the forest, Hessians and Thuringians, Franks and Saxons. In nomine Domini, sanctae et individuae trinitatis, amen!"

His words shall give us judgment, whether he is to live or to die." Winfried lifted himself high upon the altar, drew a roll of parchment from his bosom, and began to read. "A letter from the great Bishop of Rome, who sits on a golden throne, to the people of the forest. Hessians and Thuringians, Franks and Saxons. In nomine Domini, sanctae et individuae trinitatis, amen!"

With this thought excite yourself to say the Office with the greatest possible devotion. Give God thanks for His goodness in permitting us to join in the great work, for hearing our prayer, and for His helps and graces during its duration. Ask God's pardon for faults committed in the course of this prayer of His Church. Devoutly recite the "Sacro-sanctae et Individuae Trinitati ... Amen.

Winfried lifted himself high upon the altar, drew a roll of parchment from his bosom, and began to read. "A letter from the great Bishop of Rome, who sits on a golden throne, to the people of the forest, Hessians and Thuringians, Franks and Saxons. In nomin Domini, sanctae et individuae Trinitatis, amen!" A murmur of awe ran through the crowd.