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Two short stories and one long novel, all written with a didactic purpose, are of this period, and added to their author's reputation: "The Death of Ivan Ilyich, The Kreuzer Sonata," and "Resurrection." One cannot but admire the courage of Tolstoi in attempting to live in accordance with his convictions, just as we admire Milton for his motives in abandoning poetry for politics.

He progressed, but did not change; and he progressed along the path already clearly marked in his first books. The author of "Sevastopol" and "The Cossacks" was the same man mentally and spiritually who wrote "Anna Karenina," "Ivan Ilyich," "The Kreuzer Sonata," and "Resurrection." Indeed, few great authors have steered so straight a course as he.

But it is diametrically opposed to the State Church; it leads to secession from orthodoxy, and the State has entered upon a crusade against it."* *"Russia of To-day," by Baron E. von der Bruggen. Translated by M. Sandwith, London, 1904. In "The Power of Darkness, "Ivan Ilyich," and the "Kreuzer Sonata." Tolstoi has shown the way of Death. In "Resurrection" he has shown the way of Life.

"That's the deuce of it!" replied Tomsky: "she had four sons, one of whom was my father; all four were determined gamblers, and yet not to one of them did she ever reveal her secret, although it would not have been a bad thing either for them or for me. But this is what I heard from my uncle, Count Ivan Ilyich, and he assured me, on his honour, that it was true.

The barges were led by Gordyeeff's steamer "Philezhny," under the command of Foma's old acquaintance, the former sailor Yefim now, Yefim Ilyich, a squarely built man of about thirty with lynx-like eyes a sober-minded, steady and very strict captain. They sailed fast and cheerfully, because all were contented. At first Foma was proud of the responsible commission with which he had been charged.