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She was ill-fitted for the encounter. "By Jove," Jared suddenly ejaculated, "it's just struck me all of a heap, Joyce, that you're more than ordinary handsome." The girl raised her eyes with a dull show of surprise, then went on with her sewing. "With the learning I've given you over and above the other girls of the place, you ought to do pretty good for yourself and me and no mistake.

The rigging was found to be ill-fitted and greatly strained; and on the third day of the blow, about five in the afternoon, our mizzen-mast, in a heavy lurch to windward, went by the board. For an hour or more we tried in vain to get rid of it, on account of the prodigious rolling of the ship; and, before we had succeeded, the carpenter came aft and announced four feet water in the hold.

"Yes, yes, captain, you'll do very well; but you must keep quiet for a few hours. And you, Mr Sinclair, must get back to your tent." I endeavoured to obey the surgeon, but, overcome with exertions for which I was ill-fitted, I sank down in a dead faint.

Bartlett does not know how they are used, but suggests that they would inflict a fearful wound down each side of the face of an antagonist. Thus they seem singularly ill-fitted for fighting; but Mr.

She does not desert her husband because she does not love him, or because he is uncongenial, but continues faithful to the end. Like Maggie Tulliver and Romola, she has lofty aspirations, but marries, after her husband's death, a versatile, brilliant, shallow Bohemian, as ill-fitted for her serious nature as the dreary Casaubon himself.

Since he had assumed the reins of government, the whilom recluse had discovered that the management of such a wide property was indeed no sinecure; and moreover as his brother, who certainly understood such matters in a thoroughly practical manner, had warned him that a person of his own philosophical, over-benevolent and abstracted turn of mind, was singularly ill-fitted for the task.

"Augusta Moore, writes The Christian, of a young lady called home by the illness of her widowed mother, who died before she could reach her. This alone was a terrible shock to the delicate daughter, who, having been reared in luxury, was ill-fitted for firm endurance of calamity.

I do believe ole Verity 'ad a 'and in it." Which shows that Captain Coke confused Providence with David Verity, and goes far to prove how ill-fitted he was to theorize on the ways of Providence. "Five bells, miss! It'll soon be daylight. If you wants to see the Cross, now's your time!" Iris had been called from dreamless sleep by a thundering rat-tat on her cabin door.

M. Godeau, whose somewhat vulgar surname ill-fitted his immense fortune, avenged himself by his arrogance for the stigma of his birth, and showed himself on all occasions enormously and pitilessly rich.

I might perhaps harden myself in time against the injustice of general reproach, but the loss of HIS valued esteem I am, as you well know, ill-fitted to endure; and when to this may be added the consciousness of having injured you with your family, how am I to support myself?