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The orange juice and square bottles of clear gin, the array of glasses and ice-filled pewter pitcher in which Lee mixed his drinks, were standing conveniently on a table in the small reception room. Fanny, in a lavender dress with a very full skirt decorated with erratically placed pale yellow flowers, had everything in readiness. "Mina Raff came," she announced, as he descended the stairs.

Inheriting his position as an honour to his grandfather's genius, he commanded the undersea vessels from the security of an office on the Royal Level, for journeys in ice-filled waters were entirely too dangerous to appeal to one who loved so well the pleasures and vanities of life.

Then Henry Bodker came running up, sprang in head first without stopping, and disappeared, while a piece of ice that he had struck with his forehead made ducks and drakes over the water. Twice his head appeared above the ice-filled water, to snatch a breath of air, and then he came up with Pelle. They got him hoisted up on to the breakwater, and Henry set to work to give him a good thrashing.

As he approached it, narrowly watched by the girls, who cast occasional glances at their own floe, Betty uttered a cry. "There are the boys!" Three figures could be seen hurrying down to the edge of the ice-filled river, and it needed but a glance to show that they were Will, Frank and Allen. In another minute or two the lumberman, in his queer boat, had reached the shore.

They all put on life preservers to guard against the contingency of the Porpoise being ripped apart and themselves cast into the water, yet they realized that without their ship, they could live but a little while in the ice-filled water near the south pole. The professor saw that everything was in readiness.

Then Henry Bodker came running up, sprang in head first without stopping, and disappeared, while a piece of ice that he had struck with his forehead made ducks and drakes over the water. Twice his head appeared above the ice-filled water, to snatch a breath of air, and then he came up with Pelle. They got him hoisted up on to the breakwater, and Henry set to work to give him a good thrashing.

Up and up climbed the train, through the little white villages in the valley nooks, banked with whiter snow; through the narrow gorges, sometimes hanging over them, under steep granite walls seared with ice-filled cracks, their brows hung with icicles. Truro Pass is not so high as the Brenner, but it has a grand, wild look in winter, remote as it is from the haunts of men.

Under conditions then obtaining, it took me a day and a half more to reach Lake Ontario. Here, happily, I picked up a frail steam craft, owned by an adventurous soul who was not unwilling to risk his life and that of others on the uncertain and ice-filled waters of Ontario. With him I negotiated to carry me with others down the St. Lawrence.

Up and up climbed the train, through the little white villages in the valley nooks, banked with whiter snow; through the narrow gorges, sometimes hanging over them, under steep granite walls seared with ice-filled cracks, their brows hung with icicles. Truro Pass is not so high as the Brenner, but it has a grand, wild look in winter, remote as it is from the haunts of men.

He had told of huge forts with thirty-foot stone bastions, of fierce wars, of great warships that had fired their broadsides in battle in the ice-filled waters of Hudson's Bay.