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But I confess, that so far from his incorporating Boeotia with Attica, I think that traditions relative to his immediate successors appear to indicate that Attica itself continued to retain independent tribes soon ripening, if not already advanced, to independent states. Herod., ii., c. i. Ibid., ii., c. liii.

Sir Thomas More to Cromwell: Burnet's Collectanea, p. 350. Sir Thomas More to Cromwell: Burnet's Collectanea, p. 350. Ibid. More to Cromwell: Strype's Memorials, Vol. More to the King: Ellis, first series, Vol. II. p. 47 Cromwell to Fisher: Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 27, et seq. Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 27, et seq. John Fisher to the Lords in Parliament: Ellis third series, Vol.

Add to this, that the time spent in things so little agreeable, might be employed in acquiring others much more useful. I should have been a better philosopher, more master of the Greek, better acquainted with the manners of the Ancients, with the Poets, and Philologists, if I had practiced less as an Advocate." Ibid.

Ad Atticum, ix. 18. Ibid. vii. 11, ix. 6, x. 8 and 9, xi, 9, etc. Macrobius, Saturnalia, ii. 3. Ad Atticum, xi. 8, 9, 10 and 12. Ibid. xi. 13. Ad Fam. iv. 14; Middleton, vol. ii. p. 149. Ibid. Ad Fam. iv. 6. Ad Atticum, xii. 15, etc Ad Atticum, xiii. 20. Ibid. xii. 40 and 41.

I would not object at present to them taking up their residence there and acting in the capacity of guard for good government, placing our trust for the future in Providence which will never abandon the Philippines." Blount, p. 283. Ibid., p. 283. See p. 74. "Both Spanish fleets had been destroyed and Spain had but one left to protect her own coast cities.

Still under the impression that his patent was still alive and, with Martien's, in the "able hands" of the Ebbw Vale Iron Company, he condemned Bessemer for his "lack of grace" to do him justice, and took the occasion to indict the patent system which denied him and Martien the fruits of their labors. Ibid., pp. 78 and 177.

The entrance of food supplies was confined to the northern line, for then it would not be known to the Americans who, after July 30, occupied the entrenchments in front of San Antonio Abad. It was not expedient for them to see too much of Aguinaldo's methods." Taylor, 14 AJ. Senate Document 331, p. 2976, 1902. Ibid. Ibid., 102-10. Now a major-general. Ibid. Ibid.

Tarsius spectrum, Tem.; in the language of the country mago. Phil. Trans., 1706-7. Ibid., ii. The following communication appeared for the first time in the reports of a session of the Anthropological Society of Berlin; but my visitors were there denominated Palaos islanders. But, as Prof.

Each army in its composition resembled the other. Commissions were given, not to persons the most fit to "The godly of those days, when the colonel embraced their party, would not allow him to be religious, because his hair was not in their cut, nor his words in their phrase." Ibid. The names were first given a little before the king left Whitehall.

"/Dauph./ Sir, I must speak to you. I have been long your despised kinsman. "/Morose./ Oh, what thou wilt, nephew." "Her silence is dowry eno' exceedingly soft spoken; thrifty of her speech, that spends but six words a day." /Ibid./ THE coach dropped Mr. Ferrers at the gate of a villa about three miles from town. I would not grudge that, I'm sure, if I had but the rest.