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"And such men," sez I, "say wimmen don't know enough to vote." The very idee wuz so weak and inconsistent that it made the man statute hysterical, and he bust out into a peal of derisive laughter, and I took my dollar and walked off, though I knowed enough could be said on this subject to make a stun statute hystericky. I lay out to send the dollar to the W. C. T. U.

I can see 'em all in that girl's face, Handsome Judith, to begin with. And that queer woman, the Deacon's mother, there 's where she gets that hystericky look. Yes, and the black-eyed woman with the Indian blood in her, look out for that, look out for that. "Why no, father, I can't say that I remember the Major; but I know the picture very well. Does she remind you of him?"

Tirzah cried, they say; cried partly out of sentiment to think her Pa had showed such affection for her as to build the cottage, and partly because it looked so awful, it made her hystericky.

Hannah called after Sarah; she caught hold of Sylvia's arm. "Sarah always was kind of hystericky," said she. "That spare-rib will be all dried up, an' I wouldn't give a cent for it, if you don't come along." Richard Alger and Sylvia Crane were married very soon. There was no wedding, and people were disappointed about that. Hannah Berry tried to persuade Sylvia to have one.

I can see 'em all in that girl's face, Handsome Judith, to begin with. And that queer woman, the Deacon's mother, there 's where she gets that hystericky look. Yes, and the black-eyed woman with the Indian blood in her, look out for that, look out for that. "Why no, father, I can't say that I remember the Major; but I know the picture very well. Does she remind you of him?"

She knows the dream-book by heart, and is quite an oracle among the little girls of the family, who always come to her to interpret their dreams in the mornings. During the present gayety of the house, however, the poor girl has worn a face full of trouble; and, to use the housekeeper's words, "has fallen into a sad hystericky way lately."

He knows forty times as much about heaven as that Stoker man does, or ever 's like to, why don't they run after him, I should like to know? Ministers are men, come now; and I don't want to say anything against women, Mr. Gridley, but women are women, that's the fact of it, and half of 'em are hystericky when they're young; and I've heard old Dr.

I suppose you know I'm your mother come all the way from Massachusetts to live with you. What is the matter? Do you take anything for your sickness?" A groan was Mrs. Livingstone's only answer. "Little hystericky, I guess," suggested Mrs. Nichols, adding that "settin' her feet in middlin' hot water is good for that." "She is nervous, and the sight of strangers makes her worse.

He knows forty times as much about heaven as that Stoker man does, or ever 's like to, why don't they run after him, I should like to know? Ministers are men, come now; and I don't want to say anything against women, Mr. Gridley, but women are women, that's the fact of it, and half of 'em are hystericky when they're young; and I've heard old Dr.

I've yelled my head off, and nobody answers. What is the matter with you, kid? It's time we started, and you doing the baby act! I never thought you'd get hystericky." Leslie lifted a wet and smeary face out of her pillow and addressed her brother defiantly: "I've good reason to cry!" she said.